ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP − Reference → Processing External Data → ABAP Database Access → AMDP - ABAP Managed Database Procedures → AMDP - Methods
Other versions:
7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
FOR db
LANGUAGE db_lang
[OPTIONS db_options]
[USING db_entities]
[USING SCHEMA schema1 OBJECTS db_entities]
[USING SCHEMA schema2 OBJECTS db_entities]
... .
1. ... FOR db
2. ... LANGUAGE db_lang
3. ... OPTIONS db_options
4. ... USING db_entities
5. ... USING SCHEMA schema OBJECTS db_entities
Implements an AMDP procedure or an
AMDP function in an
can be specified in the
implementation part of a
global class that contains an appropriate tag interface
IF_AMDP_MARKER_... for AMDP classes.
The addition
defines an AMDP procedure implementation for implementing a database procedure. -
The addition
defines an AMDP function implementation for implementing a database function.
The parameter interface of the method declared in the
declaration part must meet the prerequisites for
AMDP procedure implementations or
AMDP function implementations. The parameter interface of an AMDP function implementation that implements a
CDS table function
is taken from the definition of the CDS table function specified after the addition
in the declaration of the method.
The addition FOR db
defines the database system where the method is used.
The addition LANGUAGE
defines the database-specific language in which the
method is implemented. OPTIONS
is used to specify database-specific options.
is used to declare database objects managed by ABAP that are used in the AMDP method.
If the current AS ABAP does not have sufficient authorizations to manage database procedures or database functions in its database system, syntax errors can occur in AMDP methods. Missing authorizations can be detected using transaction SICK.
Executable Examples
Addition 1
... FOR db
Determines the database system for which the AMDP method is used. The AMDP class must contain the appropriate
tag interface. The following table shows the syntax that can be specified for db
, the database system it identifies, and the required tag interface.
db | Database System | Tag Interface |
The AMDP method can only be called in an AS ABAP whose standard database is managed by the specified database system; otherwise a runtime error is produced.
- An AMDP class can contain multiple tag interfaces for different database systems for implementing AMDP methods in various languages.
Additional regular methods can be provided to make an AMDP class with
AMDP procedure implementations public. These
methods call the AMDP methods as specified by the database system of the current standard AS ABAP database.
In database systems that do not support AMDP, an alternative implementation in ABAP SQL or Native SQL can be created in regular methods.
Addition 2
... LANGUAGE db_lang
Determines the database-specific language in which the AMDP is implemented. The following table shows
the syntax for db_lang
used to specify the language (depending on the specified database system db
), the meaning, and a link to further information.
db | db_lang | Language | More Information |
SQLScript | SQL Script for the SAP HANA Database |
DDL | Not yet documented |
GRAPH | Not yet documented |
L | L for the SAP HANA database (for internal SAP use only and only forAMDP procedure implementations) |
If possible, the ABAP syntax check examines the implementation of the method for the specified language. This is possible only if the check takes place on an AS ABAP whose standard database is managed by the specified database system. The check is performed with respect to the currently installed version of the database. No checks take place on an AS ABAP with a different database system.
Addition 3
... OPTIONS db_options
Specifies database-specific options for the AMDP procedure or function. The following tables shows the
syntax for option
as specified by the database system in question, db
and the associated meaning.
db | option | Meaning |
Only reads are permitted on the database tables in the database procedure or database function. Other AMDP methods can be called only if also flagged as READ-ONLY . |
For AMDP scalarfunctions only. If a query calls an AMDP scalar function more than once with the same values forthe input parameters and with the option DETERMINISTIC , the function is performedonly once and the result is buffered for the duration of the query. In AMDP scalar functions like this, no functions are allowed that could return non-matching values in different calls. More information can be found underSAP Hana SQLScript Reference. |
For internal use at SAP only: If the AMDP procedure accesses database objects not managed by ABAPthat do not exist at the time of the syntax check, only syntax warnings are raised and not syntax errors. If a required object is missing at runtime, acatchable exception is raised. |
The option READ-ONLY
can also be specified with the addition
in the declaration of an AMDP method. It applies when specified either in the implementation or in the declaration of the method, or both.
These options are optional, with the following exception: READ-ONLY
must be specified at least once in the implementation of an
AMDP function or an L procedure.
The syntax check examines the specified options at runtime.
is not applied to database objects managed by ABAP that are specified after USING
Addition 4
... USING db_entities
Declares the database objects managed by ABAP accessed in the AMDP procedure or function. The following must be specified after USING
- All CDS views, CDS table functions, and CDS hierarchies using the name of the CDS entity
- All database tables and classic views from ABAP Dictionary
All procedures and functions managed by AMDP
These tables, views, and procedures are from the current ABAP database schema used in the procedure. If used in the procedure, the names of the database objects must be specified without specifying the database schema.
- For CDS views and CDS table functions, these are the names of the associated CDS database views or AMDP functions.
- The database objects of database tables and classic views from ABAP Dictionary have the same names as in ABAP Dictionary.
An AMDP procedure or function is specified using the syntax
. Here,class
is the name of its AMDP class andmeth
is the name of the AMDP procedure implementation or function implementation.
For a CDS view, after USING
the name of the
CDS database view can be be specified and for a
CDS table function, the name of the associated
AMDP function can also
be specified. However, if a CDS entity is specified, all other database objects of CDS entities must be also be specified using this entity.
Each database object specified after USING
must also be used in the procedure
or function. Any database objects other than those above managed by ABAP cannot be specified after
USING and the procedure or function cannot be used to access database objects not specified after USING
, with the following exceptions:
- Database objects in the current database schema if they are not in the namespace of the namespace prefix /1BCAMDP/. If used in the procedure or function, they must be specified directly and without specifying the database schema.
Database objects in a different database schema using their full qualified names (logical schemas can be used here too) .
With the exception of the namespace /1BCAMDP/, database objects from the
current database schema can be accessed in a database procedure or database function managed by AMDP only if they are managed by ABAP and specified after USING
- Explicit declarations of database objects used in the procedure or function are required for various static checks (such as where-used lists or package checks) and enable the visibility of an AMDP method to be passed to the database level.
An object specified after
must be visible here. An AMDP method from a different class can be specified only if it can be used by the current class and, accordingly, can only be called in the database procedure or database function. This applies the visibility concept in ABAP Objects to the database system, even if it does not have a similar concept. -
In the case of database tables in ABAP Dictionary specified after
, the AMDP framework makes sure that the order of the fields defined in the dictionary is respected when the tables are accessed statically (this may be different from the order on the database). -
When an AMDP method
is specified afterUSING
, the ABAP runtime environment identifies this as a use of the classclass
and its static constructor is executed before the first call of the AMDP method. This means that, if an AMDP procedure or function uses other AMDP procedures or functions, the corresponding static constructor is executed. -
AMDP methods in the same class must also be specified after
, if used in the procedure or function. - For CDS views and CDS table functions, it is recommended that you specify the CDS entity.
A database-specific option
specified afterOPTIONS
is not applied to the database objects managed by ABAP that are specified afterUSING
. The syntax error cannot be suppressed for these. - The namespace /1BCAMDP/ is intended for temporary database tables, views, or database procedures or database functions of the current database schema accessed in AMDP procedures or functions.
The addition
cannot be specified in the implementation of L procedures.
Addition 5
... USING SCHEMA schema OBJECTS db_entities
Declares a logical database schema and the database objects it contains that are accessed by the AMDP procedure or function.
For schema
, only logical database schemas that the current ABAP database
schema can be mapped to can be specified. The addition USING SCHEMA
be specified for each logical database schema of this type that is used in the AMDP method in a macro
The way this addition works is determined by the physical database schema that is mapped to the logical database schema schema
If the current ABAP database
schema is mapped to the logical database schema using the predefined name :abap_db_schema,
all database tables and views from ABAP Dictionary used in the procedure must be specified after
OBJECTS. For these Dictionary objects, the addition
behaves in the same way as the additionUSING
. AMDP-managed procedures and functions cannot, however, be specified afterOBJECTS
. -
If a different database schema is mapped to the logical database schema (or not database schema at all),
any names can be specified after
that comply with the naming conventions for database tables and views in ABAP Dictionary.
The addition USING SCHEMA
must be specified after the addition USING
and only one USING SCHEMA
addition is allowed for a logical database schema schema
The addition
is designed for scenarios in which database objects are defined in any database schema in some systems and in the ABAP database schema in others If database objects like this are specified accordingly after a suitable logical database schema, the AMDP procedure can be transported between the systems in question without the need for syntax modifications. It is enough to configure the correct mapping for each system in transaction DB_SCHEMA_MAP. -
It is pointless to map the current
ABAP database schema to a logical database schema specified after
explicitly (without using the predefined name :abap_db_schema), since this logical schema cannot be used in the macro $ABAP.schema. -
No logical HDI container can be specified for
. -
If AMDP-managed procedures and functions are used in the AMDP method, they cannot be specified after
and must always be specified afterUSING
instead. -
If the flag that allows mappings of the
ABAP database schema is changed for an existing logical database schema, the above rules for using the addition
incur syntax errors in AMDP classes that already use this logical database schema.