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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Internal Tables →  Processing Statements for Internal Tables 


Quick Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


READ TABLE itab { table_key 
                | free_key
                | index } result.


This statement reads a row from the internal table itab. itab is a functional operand position.

The row must be specified by naming values for either table_key for a table key, a free condition free_key, or an index index. The latter is possible only for index tables and when using a sorted secondary key. The output response result determines how and to where the row contents are read.

If the row to be read is not specified uniquely, the first suitable row is read. In the case of index tables, this row has the lowest row number of all suitable rows in the table index used.

If the internal table is specified as the return value or result of a functional method, a constructor expression, or a table expression, the value is only available when the statement is executed. Afterwards, it is no longer possible to access the internal table.

System Fields

The statement READ TABLE sets the values for the system fields sy-subrc and sy-tabix.

sy-subrc Meaning
0 Row is found. sy-tabix is set to the row number of the entry in the primary or secondary table index used. If ahash key is used, it is set to 0.
2 Like sy-subrc equals 0. Distinguishes cases that use the addition COMPARING in result.
4 The row was not found. If the entry was determined using a binary search, sy-tabixis set to the table index of the entry before which it would be inserted using INSERT ... INDEX ..., to preserve the sort order. This is the case if, whensorted keys are used, theaddition table_key or free_key was specified alongside the full table key or if the additionBINARY SEARCH was specified explicitly. Otherwise, sy-tabix is undefined (-1).
8 The row was not found. The entry was found using a binary search and the end of the table was reached. sy-tabix is set to the number of rows + 1.

The system fields sy-tfill and sy-tleng are also filled.


  • There is no implicit selection of a suitable key or index. The used table key or table index is always specified uniquely. The syntax check issues a warning if there is a suitable secondary table key but this table key is not used. This warning should be removed through using the key. However, in exceptional cases, it can be bypassed using a pragma.
  • As an alternative to the statement READ TABLE, table expressions can be used to allow reads to be performed on individual table rows at operand positions.
  • Internal tables can also be specified as a data source of a query in ABAP SQL.
  • If multiple rows of an internal table are to be read, the statement LOOP generally displays better performance than using the statement READ TABLE in a loop.


Reads individual table rows from a standard table in a WHILE loop. The table rows are read in reverse order with respect to the sorted secondary key sort_key. A CHECK statement exits the loop if the specified condition is not met. This construct provides the missing option of performing LOOPs in reverse order. See also the corresponding executable example with a FOR expression.

          WITH EMPTY KEY 
          WITH NON-UNIQUE SORTED KEY sort_key COMPONENTS table_line. 

itab = VALUE #( ( 2 ) ( 5 ) ( 1 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ). 

DATA(output) = ``. 
DATA(idx) = lines( itab ). 
WHILE idx > 0. 
  READ TABLE itab INDEX idx USING KEY sort_key 
             ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs>). 
  idx -= 1. 
  CHECK <fs> > 2. 
  output = output && <fs> && ` `. 

cl_demo_output=>display( output ). 


Non-Handleable Exceptions

  • Cause: When reading a table with READ ... WITH [TABLE] KEY, overlapping or duplicate keys were specified.
    Runtime error: DYN_KEY_DUPLICATE
  • Cause: When reading a table of the type SORTED, the specified key fields have to be an initial part of the table key when BINARY SEARCH is specified.
  • Cause: No key specified.
  • Cause: Invalid key specified when accessing a key table.
  • Cause: Key specified implicitly (invalid)
    Runtime error: READ_ITAB_UC_KEY_ERROR
  • Cause: Invalid incompatible work area specified.
  • Cause: Memory area violated when TABLES parameter accessed


READ TABLE - table_key

READ TABLE - free_key

READ TABLE - index

READ TABLE - result

Internal Tables, Key Accesses