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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Processing External Data →  ABAP Database Access →  ABAP SQL →  ABAP SQL - Reads →  SELECT clauses →  SELECT - FROM 


Quick Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


... [(] {
data_source [AS tabalias]}|join 
             { data_source [AS tabalias]}|join [ON sql_cond] [)] ... .


1. ... ON sql_cond
2. ... MANY TO ONE


Joins the columns of two or more data sources in a results set of a query in a join expression. A join expression joins a left side with a right side, using

  • [INNER] JOIN (inner join)
  • LEFT|RIGHT [OUTER] JOIN (outer join)
  • CROSS JOIN (cross join)

Every join expression for an inner or outer join must contain a join condition sql_cond after ON (see below). A join expression for a cross join cannot contain any join conditions.

The following applies to entries specified on the left side and on the right side:

  • data_source is a single data source. Database tables must be transparent. As when specified as a single source after FROM using AS, an alias name can be specified for the data source. A data source can exist more than once within a join expression, and can have various alternative names.
  • A join expression can be specified for join on both sides. A join expression can therefore be nested recursively. The number of data sources linked to each other is limited. The maximum number is set to allow the SELECT statement to be executed on all supported database systems and is currently set to 50. More than 49 joins, if known statically, produce a syntax error. If they are not known statically, they produce a runtime error.

The priority in which nested join expressions are evaluated is specified as follows:

  • For inner and outer joins, the priority is determined by the position of the ON conditions. From left to right, each ON condition is assigned to the directly preceding JOIN and creates a join expression. Join expressions of this type can be enclosed in parentheses, ( ). This is optional. Explicitly specified parentheses must match the parentheses specified implicitly by the ON conditions.
  • By default, cross joins are evaluated from left to right. The priority of the evaluation can be influenced by parentheses ( ).
  • If multiple cross joins are combined, the order of the evaluation is irrelevant. The result is always the same and the number of rows is the product of the number of rows of all involved data sources.
  • If cross joins are combined with inner and outer joins, the result can depend on the order of evaluation or the parentheses.

Results set for inner joins

In a single results set, an inner join joins the columns of the rows in the results set of the left side with the columns of the rows in the results set of the right side. This results set contains all combinations of rows for whose columns the join condition sql_cond is jointly true. If there are no rows in the results set of the left and right sides that meet sql_cond, a row is not created in the resulting results set.

Results set for outer joins

The outer join creates the same results set as the inner join. The difference is that, for each selected row on the left side as LEFT OUTER JOIN or on the right side as RIGHT OUTER JOIN, at least one row is created in the results set, even if no rows on the other side meet the condition sql_cond. The columns on the other side that do not meet the condition sql_cond are filled with null values.

Results set for cross join

The cross join forms a cross product of the results set of the left side and the results set of the right side. The cross join joins the columns of the rows in the results set of the left side with the columns of the rows in the results set of the right side. This results set contains all possible combinations of rows. The number of rows in the results set of the cross join is the product of the number of rows of both joined results sets.


  • Certain restrictions apply to other clauses in the current SELECT statement when join expressions are used. For example, a join expression cannot be used together with the addition ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY. These restrictions are documented in the clauses in question.
  • A WHERE condition for a SELECT statement with joins is applied to the results set created using the joins.
  • An inner join or a cross join between two individual data sources is commutative. If the left and right side are switched, the result remains the same.
  • A cross join behaves like an inner or outer join whose ON condition is always true. A cross join with a WHERE condition has the same result as an inner join with an identical ON condition. Unlike the inner join, in a cross join all data is read first before the condition is evaluated. In an inner join only data that meets the ON condition is read.
  • A cross join should only be used with extreme caution. Since it is not possible to specify an ON condition, all data of all involved data sources is read. In the case of very large datasets, the results set (whose number of rows is always the product of the number of all rows of both data sources) can quickly become very large.
  • A cross join of two client-specific data sources is converted internally to an inner join, whose ON condition checks whether the client columns of the left and right side are equal. If one side is not client-specific, the cross join is executed completely.
  • If the same column name appears in multiple data sources of a single join expression, these sources must be identified in all other additions of the SELECT statement using the column selector ~.
  • Join expressions bypass table buffering, which is why they should not be applied to buffered tables. Instead it may be a good idea in these cases to use the addition FOR ALL ENTRIES, which can access the table buffer.
  • If columns from the right side are specified as LEFT OUTER JOIN or columns from the left side are specified as RIGHT OUTER JOIN, after the addition ORDER BY, the sort order (in the case of null values) can depend on the database system.
  • The function coalesce can be used to replace zero values created due to an external join with other values or the result of expressions.
  • The syntax check is performed in strict mode for Release 7.40, SP05 in the following cases:

  • Not all comparisons of an ON condition contain a column from a data source specified on the right side as an operand.

  • Multiple consecutive joins are explicitly parenthesized so that a join expression (and not a data source) is on the right side of a join expression.

  • RIGHT OUTER JOIN is used.

  • In LEFT OUTER JOIN, fields from the right side of the WHERE condition of the current SELECT statement are specified. In RIGHT OUTER JOIN, fields from the left side are specified.

  • Use of the additions LIKE, IN, and NOT plus the operators OR or NOT in an ON condition.

  • Outer join without a comparison between columns on the left and right sides.

  • Uses CROSS JOIN.


Join of the columns carrname, connid, and fldate of the database tables scarr, spfli, and sflight using two inner joins. This creates a list of flights from cityfr to cityto. An alias name is assigned to each table.

  cityfr TYPE spfli-cityfrom VALUE 'FRANKFURT', 
  cityto TYPE spfli-cityto   VALUE 'NEW YORK'. 

  )->add_field( CHANGING field = cityfr 
  )->add_field( CHANGING field = cityto )->request( ). 

SELECT c~carrname, p~connid, f~fldate 
       FROM ( ( scarr AS c 
         INNER JOIN spfli AS p ON p~carrid   = c~carrid 
                             AND p~cityfrom = @cityfr 
                             AND p~cityto   = @cityto ) 
         INNER JOIN sflight AS f ON f~carrid = p~carrid 
                               AND f~connid = p~connid ) 
       ORDER BY c~carrname, p~connid, f~fldate 
       INTO TABLE @DATA(itab). 


Joins the database tables scarr and spfli using a left outer join. For all flights not departing from cityfr, the value of the column connid is the null value. The WHERE condition causes all airlines to be displayed that do not fly from cityfr.

DATA cityfr TYPE spfli-cityfrom VALUE 'FRANKFURT'. 
cl_demo_input=>request( CHANGING field = cityfr ). 

SELECT s~carrid, s~carrname 
       FROM scarr AS s 
      LEFT OUTER JOIN spfli AS p ON s~carrid   =  p~carrid 
                                 AND p~cityfrom = @cityfr 
       WHERE p~connid IS NULL 
       ORDER BY s~carrid, s~carrname 
       INTO TABLE @DATA(itab). 

cl_demo_output=>display( itab ).


Cross join of the table T000 of all clients of an AS ABAP with the entries for the message class SABAPDEMOS in the table T100. Without the WHERE condition, the results set would be very large.

DATA mandt TYPE t000-mandt. 
DATA mtext TYPE t000-mtext. 

SELECT t000~mandt, t000~mtext, t100~* 
       FROM t000 CROSS JOIN t100 
       WHERE t100~arbgb = 'SABAPDEMOS' 
       ORDER BY t000~mandt, t100~sprsl, t100~msgnr 
       INTO TABLE @itab. 

cl_demo_output=>display( itab ). 

Addition 1

... ON sql_cond


Join condition. A join condition must be specified for an inner or outer join. A join condition does not have to be specified for a cross join.

The syntax of the relational expressions of a join condition sql_cond is subject to the following restrictions:

A join condition is met if the logical expression sql_cond is true.

Implicit ABAP SQL client handling applies. In joins between client-specific tables, a comparison for equality between the client columns is added to the ON condition implicitly. The client column of a client-specific data source cannot be used as an operand in the ON condition.


  • Comparisons between database columns or SQL expressions and database columns are performed on the database, which means it is essential that appropriate join conditions are formulated only between operands of the same type and the same length. This avoids the need for platform-dependent conversions.
  • If the pattern consists of precisely one "%" character in a comparison using LIKE, the same optimization takes place as when using WHERE. The condition col LIKE '%' is always true, even if the column col contains null values.
  • The client column of a client-specific data source can still be used in the ON condition if implicit client handling is disabled using the obsolete addition CLIENT SPECIFIED.
  • If a host expression occurs on the right side of the ON condition, the syntax check is performed in a strict mode from Release 7.50, which handles the statement more strictly than the regular syntax check.
  • If one of the following two conditions apply:

  • SQL expressions are used on the left side of the ON condition of any join.

  • The expression IS [NOT] NULL is used in the ON condition of an outer join.
The syntax check is performed in a strict mode from Release 7.50, which handles the statement more strictly than the regular syntax check.

Executable Examples

Addition 2



Specifies the cardinality of a left outer join. This addition is positioned after LEFT OUTER, but is not possible after RIGHT OUTER. Only certain specific database systems apply this addition.

If the addition MANY TO ONE is specified, any databases that support this addition assume that the results set defined by the left outer join matches this cardinality and SQL Optimizer attempts to suppress any surplus joins. If the results set does not match the cardinality, the result is undefined and may be dependent on the entries in the SELECT list.


  • More information can be found in the documentation of the current database system. The SAP HANA database, for example, supports the addition MANY TO ONE and its description is part of the documentation of HANA-specific SQL.
  • To avoid undefined and platform-specific behavior, MANY TO ONE can be specified only if the data being read meets the relevant prerequisites.
  • If MANY TO ONE is specified, the syntax check is executed in strict mode as of release 7.52.


Incorrect use of MANY TO ONE. The data in the database tables SCARR and SPFLI do not have the cardinality MANY TO ONE and have the reverse cardinality instead. On a SAP HANA database, for example, the result is dependent on the SELECT list. If the left and right side are specified here, no optimization takes place. If no columns are specified on the right side (and the aggregate function COUNT(*) is used as an aggregate expression), an optimization takes place. Here, only that data is read that meets the prerequisite cardinality.

DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new( ). 

out->next_section( `Fields of left and right table` ). 
              LEFT OUTER MANY TO ONE JOIN spfli AS p 
                ON c~carrid = p~carrid 
       FIELDS c~carrid   AS carrid, 
              c~carrname AS carrname, 
              p~connid   AS connid 
       ORDER BY c~carrid 
       INTO TABLE @DATA(itab). 
out->write( itab ). 
out->write( sy-dbcnt ). 

out->next_section( `Fields of left table only` ). 
              LEFT OUTER MANY TO ONE JOIN spfli AS p 
                ON c~carrid = p~carrid 
       FIELDS c~carrid   AS carrid, 
              c~carrname AS carrname 
       ORDER BY c~carrid 
out->write( itab ). 
out->write( sy-dbcnt ). 

out->next_section( `COUNT(*)` ). 
              LEFT OUTER MANY TO ONE JOIN spfli AS p 
                ON c~carrid = p~carrid 
       FIELDS COUNT( * ) AS count 
       INTO @DATA(count). 
out->write( count ). 

out->display( ).


Inner, Outer, and Cross Joins

Multiple Joins