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SUBMIT - selscreen_parameters

Quick Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


... [USING SELECTION-SET variant] 
    [WITH expr_syntax1 WITH expr_syntax2 ...]
    [WITH FREE SELECTIONS texpr] ...


1. ... USING SELECTION-SET variant



4. ... WITH expr_syntax1 WITH expr_syntax2 ...



USING SELECTION-SET fills all selection screen components using a selection screen variant variant. If USING SELECTION-SETS OF PROGRAM is specified, a variant of a different program can be used. If WITH SELECTION-TABLE is specified, values for multiple selection screen components are passed as the content of an internal table rspar. WITH expr_syntax fills individual selection screen components with values. The addition WITH FREE SELECTIONS makes it possible to pass dynamic selections to the selection screen of a logical database.

Addition 1



If this addition is specified, the parameters and selection criteria for the selection screen are filled with the values of a selection screen variant. variant expects a character-like data object that contains the name of a selection screen variant for the program called when the statement is executed. If the variant does not exist, an error message is sent. If the variant is part of a different selection screen, it is ignored.


You can create and manage selection screen variants for every program in which selection screens are defined, either in the ABAP Workbench or during execution of the program by choosing Goto - Variants on a selection screen.

Addition 2



If this addition is specified, the selection screen variants of the program prog are used in the called program. prog expects a character-like data object that contains the name of a program when the statement is executed. The addition has the following effects:

  • If a variant variant is specified with USING SELECTION-SET, a search is made for this variant in the program prog.
  • If the selection screen is displayed using VIA SELECTION-SCREEN, all functions accessed using the menu path Goto - Variants are applied to the selection screen variants of the program prog. These functions are only active, however, if prog is an executable program.


The program prog should contain a selection screen that has the same parameters and selection criteria as the selection screen used in the called program.

Addition 3



If this addition is specified, parameters and selection criteria on the selection screen are filled from an internal table rspar. rspar expects a standard table with the row type RSPARAMS or RSPARAMSL_255 and without secondary table keys. The structured data types RSPARAMS and RSPARAMSL_255 are defined in ABAP Dictionary and have the following components, all of which have the data type CHAR:

  • SELNAME (length 8)
  • KIND (length 1)
  • SIGN (length 1)
  • OPTION (length 2)
  • LOW (length 45 for RSPARAMS and 255 for RSPARAMSL_255)
  • HIGH (length 45 for RSPARAMS and 255 for RSPARAMSL_255)

Before parameters and selection criteria of the selection screen can be filled with specific values, the rows in the internal table rspar must contain the following values:

  • SELNAME must contain the name of a parameter or a selection criterion for the selection screen in uppercase.
  • KIND must contain the category of the selection screen component ("P" for parameters or "S" for selection criteria).
  • SIGN, OPTION, LOW, and HIGH must contain the values specified for the ranges tables columns that have the same names as the selection criteria. For parameters, the value must be specified in LOW and all other components are ignored.

If the name of a selection criterion is repeated in rspar, a ranges table containing multiple rows is defined and passed to the selection criterion. If parameter names occur multiple times, the last value is passed to the parameter.
The content of the parameters or ranges tables for the current program can be entered in the table using the function module RS_REFRESH_FROM_SELECTOPTIONS.


  • Unlike in ranges tables, the data types of the components LOW and HIGH in table rspar are always of type CHAR and, if necessary, are converted to the type of the parameter or selection criterion when passed.
  • When entering values, you must ensure that these have the internal format of the ABAP values, and not the output format of the screen display.
  • The data type RSPARAMSL_255 can be used instead of RSPARAMS from Release 7.2, if the length of 45 characters for components LOW and HIGH is no longer sufficient.

Addition 4

... WITH expr_syntax1 WITH expr_syntax2 ...


This addition fills individual parameters or selection criteria of the selection screen with values. Parameters are filled with single values and selection criteria are filled with ranges tables that overwrite values already specified in the called program. The passed ranges table is compiled from all additions expr_syntax that address the same selection criterion sel. The following statements can be specified for expr_syntax, where the name of a parameter or a selection criterion must be specified directly for sel:

  • sel {EQ|NE|CP|NP|GT|GE|LT|LE} dobj [SIGN sign]
    Passes a single value.
    The operators in front of dobj match the values specified for the column OPTION in ranges tables. dobj expects a data object whose data type can be converted to the data type of the selection screen component sel. A character-like field containing 'I' or 'E' can be specified for sign. The default value is 'I'.
    If sel is a selection criterion, a row is appended to the passed ranges table. Here, the operator is placed in the column OPTION, the content of dobj is placed in the column LOW, and the content of sign is placed in the column SIGN.
    If sel is a parameter, it is set to the value of dobj in the called program. The operator and the value of sign are ignored.
  • sel [NOT] BETWEEN dobj1 AND dobj2 [SIGN sign]
    Passes an interval.
    In this case, sel must be a selection criterion. dobj expects data objects whose data type can be converted to that of the columns LOW and HIGH for the selection criterion sel. A character-like field containing 'I' or 'E' can be specified for sign. The default value is 'I'.
    A row is appended in the ranges table to be passed. If NOT is specified, the value 'NB' is placed in the column OPTION. If it is not specified, 'BT' is entered. The content of the data objects dobj and sign is placed in the columns LOW, HIGH, and SIGN.
  • sel IN range_tab
    Passes a ranges table.
    In this case, sel must be a selection criterion. range_tab expects a standard table without secondary table keys that has the same structure as the selection table of the selection criterion sel. A table of this type can be created using the addition RANGE OF of the statements TYPES and DATA.
    The rows in the table range_tab are appended to the passed ranges table.

The addition expr_syntax can be specified more than once and the same selection screen component can also be specified more than once.


  • = or INCL can also be used instead of the operator EQ.
  • When entering values, you must ensure that these have the internal format of the ABAP values, and not the output format of the screen display.


The program report1 has a standalone selection screen with the dynpro number 1100. In the program report2, an internal table with row type RSPARAMS and a ranges table are filled for this selection screen. These are passed at SUBMIT time, together with a single condition.

Called Program

REPORT report1.


  SELECT-OPTIONS: selcrit1 FOR text,
                  selcrit2 FOR text.


Calling Program

REPORT report2.

DATA: text       TYPE c LENGTH 10,
      rspar_tab  TYPE TABLE OF rsparams,
      rspar_line LIKE LINE OF rspar_tab,
      range_tab  LIKE RANGE OF text,
      range_line LIKE LINE OF range_tab.


rspar_line-selname = 'SELCRIT1'.
rspar_line-kind    = 'S'.
rspar_line-sign    = 'I'.
rspar_line-option  = 'EQ'.
rspar_line-low     = 'ABAP'.
APPEND rspar_line TO rspar_tab.

range_line-sign   = 'E'.
range_line-option = 'EQ'.
range_line-low    = 'H'.
APPEND range_line TO range_tab.

range_line-sign   = 'E'.
range_line-option = 'EQ'.
range_line-low    = 'K'.
APPEND range_line TO range_tab.

               WITH SELECTION-TABLE rspar_tab
               WITH selcrit2 BETWEEN 'H' AND 'K'
               WITH selcrit2 IN range_tab
               AND RETURN.


selcrit1 I EQ ABAP
selcrit2 I BT H K
selcrit2 E EQ H
selcrit2 E EQ K

Addition 5



This addition fills the dynamic selections of the selection screen of a logical database with values. The called program must be associated with a logical database that supports dynamic selections. texpr must be an internal table of the type RSDS_TEXPR from type group RSDS.
In texpr, the selections for the dynamic selections are specified in an internal format (known as Reverse Polish Notation). The function modules FREE_SELECTIONS_INIT, FREE_SELECTIONS_DIALOG, and FREE_SELECTIONS_RANGE_2_EX from the function group SSEL can be used to fill texpr in the calling program. The first two function modules run a user dialog (see Dynamic Selections). At the same time, however, ranges tables can be passed to FREE_SELECTIONS_RANGE_2_EX in an internal table of the type RSDS_TRANGE for each node in the dynamic selection. These ranges tables are then converted to a table of the row type RSDS_TEXPR. If the calling program contains a selection screen with the same dynamic selections, its content can first be passed to a table of the type RSDS_TRANGE using the function module RS_REFRESH_FROM_DYNAMICAL_SEL.
The rows in the internal table type RSDS_TRANGE contain a flat component TABLENAME for each node and a table-like component FRANGE_T of the type RSDS_FRANGE_T for the fields in the node. The rows in RSDS_FRANGE_T contain a flat component FIELDNAME for each field and a table-like component SELOPT_T of the row type RSDSSELOPT from ABAP Dictionary. RSDSSELOPT contains the four components SIGN, OPTION, LOW, and HIGH and can include the ranges table.


The program report1 is associated with the logical database F1S, which supports dynamic selections for the node SPFLI. The program report2 enters conditions in a nested internal table of the type rsds_trange with ranges conditions for field CONNID in node SPFLI. This table is then converted to a table of the type rsds_texpr, which is passed at SUBMIT time.

Called Program

REPORT report1.

NODES: spfli, sflight, sbook.


Calling Program

REPORT report2.

DATA: trange TYPE rsds_trange,
        LIKE LINE OF trange,
        LIKE LINE OF trange_line-frange_t,
        LIKE LINE OF trange_frange_t_line-selopt_t,
      texpr TYPE rsds_texpr.

trange_line-tablename = 'SPFLI'.
trange_frange_t_line-fieldname = 'CONNID'.
trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-sign   = 'I'.
trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-option = 'BT'.
trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-low    = '0200'.
trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-high   = '0800'.
APPEND trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line
  TO trange_frange_t_line-selopt_t.
trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-sign   = 'I'.
trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-option = 'NE'.
trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-low    = '0400'.
APPEND trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line
  TO trange_frange_t_line-selopt_t.
APPEND trange_frange_t_line TO trange_line-frange_t.
APPEND trange_line TO trange.

    field_ranges = trange
    expressions  = texpr.

               WITH FREE SELECTIONS texpr.