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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Character String and Byte String Processing →  Statements for Character String and Byte String Processing →  WRITE - TO 

WRITE - format_options

Quick Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


    [EXPONENT exp]
    [CURRENCY cur]
    [DECIMALS dec]
    [ROUND scale]
    [UNIT unit]
    [TIME ZONE tz]
    [STYLE stl]
    [USING { {NO EDIT MASK}|{EDIT MASK mask} }]
    [ DD/MM/YY   | MM/DD/YY
    | DDMMYY     | MMDDYY
    | YYMMDD ] ...



2. ... EXPONENT exp


4. ... NO-SIGN

5. ... NO-ZERO
6. ... CURRENCY cur

7. ... DECIMALS dec

8. ... ROUND scale

9. ... UNIT unit


11. ... TIME ZONE tz

12. ... STYLE stl

13. ... USING { {NO EDIT MASK}|{EDIT MASK mask} }

14. ... DD/MM/YY   | MM/DD/YY
     | DDMMYY     | MMDDYY
     | YYMMDD


These formatting options override the predefined formats of the statements WRITE ... TO and WRITE. Without these additions, the content of the source field is formatted only according to its data type.

The result of the formatting is adapted to the available length. In the case of WRITE ... TO, this is the length of the target variable, with WRITE, this is the output length. In some cases, the behavior of the additions used in combination with WRITE can differ from the general behavior in the case of WRITE ... TO.

If a conversion routine is executed when formatting, the other formatting options are ignored.

The additions can be used together, with the following restrictions:

  • The additions ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT and TIME ZONE are mutually exclusive and cannot be used with the additions CURRENCY, DECIMALS, EXPONENT, NO-GROUPING, NO-SIGN, NO-ZERO, ROUND, STYLE, or UNIT.
  • The addition STYLE cannot be used together with the additions CURRENCY, DD/MM/YY, ... , YYMMDD, ROUND, ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT, TIME ZONE, and UNIT.
  • The addition UNIT cannot be used together with the additions DECIMALS, ROUND, STYLE, ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT, and TIME ZONE.


The definition of a decimal floating point number in ABAP Dictionary always defines an output style. This means that, when data objects declared with a reference to this type in ABAP Dictionary and are part of the output, the same exclusions apply as when using the addition STYLE.

Addition 1



This addition determines whether the content of the source field that is formatted according to the other options will be adjusted within the available length to the right, the center, or to the left. Trailing blanks are ignored for fields of type c and are handled like all other characters for fields of type string.

The adjustment is done by filling surplus positions in the result either from the right or from the left or alternately from the left and right with blanks. If the available length is too short, source fields of the types c and string are truncated on the left (if right-justified), unlike the usual cutoff behavior.


Left-justified, centered, and right-justified assignment of three text field literals to a text field of 50 characters length.

DATA formatted_text TYPE c LENGTH 50. 

WRITE 'Left'   TO formatted_text LEFT-JUSTIFIED. 
cl_demo_output=>write( formatted_text ). 
WRITE 'Center' TO formatted_text CENTERED. 
cl_demo_output=>write( formatted_text ). 
WRITE 'Right'  TO formatted_text RIGHT-JUSTIFIED. 
cl_demo_output=>write( formatted_text ). 

cl_demo_output=>display( ). 

Addition 2

... EXPONENT exp

This addition cannot be used together with additions ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT and TIME ZONE.


This addition determines the exponent when formatting floating point numbers. The addition EXPONENT is applied to source fields of the type f or when the addition STYLE is specified. Otherwise it is ignored.

exp expects a data object of the type i that contains the required exponent.

  • In data type f, the mantissa is adjusted to this exponent by moving the decimal point and padding with zeroes. If exp contains 0, no exponent is created. If the value of exp is greater than the exponent of the source field plus 16, only zeroes are allocated to the mantissa. If the value of exp is less than the exponent of the source field, and there is not enough space for the places required before the decimal point, the addition is ignored. If the value in exp is positive and has more than three characters, only the first three places of the exponent are used.
  • If the formatting option STYLE is also specified, source fields of all numeric types (b, s), i, int8, p, f, decfloat16, and decfloat34 are converted before the formatting to decfloat34. For STYLE, only the scientific notation O_SCIENTIFIC can be declared together with EXPONENT. The addition EXPONENT defines the exponent here.


The formatted result of the statement WRITE TO is "1,414". The standard formatting for a length of 6 would be "1E+00".

DATA: float          TYPE f, 
      formatted_text TYPE c LENGTH 6. 

float = SQRT( 2 ). 

WRITE float TO formatted_text EXPONENT 0. 

cl_demo_output=>display( formatted_text ). 

Addition 3


This addition cannot be used together with additions ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT and TIME ZONE.


When formatting data objects of the data types (s), i, int8, p, decfloat16, or decfloat34, this addition suppresses the thousands separators. Otherwise, the addition is ignored.


If not defined otherwise in the format settings, the result of the formats is 1,000,000 and 1000000.

DATA text TYPE c LENGTH 20. 


WRITE CONV i( '1000000' ) TO text. 
cl_demo_output=>write( text ). 
WRITE CONV i( '1000000' ) TO text NO-GROUPING. 
cl_demo_output=>display( text ). 

Addition 4


This addition cannot be used together with additions ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT and TIME ZONE.


When formatting data objects of the data types (s), i, int8, p, decfloat16, decfloat34, or f, this addition suppresses the sign. Otherwise, the addition is ignored.


Number output with explanatory text instead of with +/-sign.

DATA: number         TYPE i, 
      formatted_text TYPE c LENGTH 10. 

  number = sy-index - 5. 
  IF number >= 0. 
    WRITE number TO formatted_text. 
    cl_demo_output=>write_text( formatted_text && ` (positive)` ). 
    WRITE number TO formatted_text NO-SIGN. 
    cl_demo_output=>write_text( formatted_text && ` (negative)` ). 
cl_demo_output=>display( ). 

Addition 5


This addition cannot be used together with additions ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT and TIME ZONE.


If the source field has a numeric data type and contains the value 0, the available length is padded with blanks. If the source field has the data type c, n, or string, leading zeroes are formatted as blanks. Otherwise, the addition is ignored.


Formats the content of a numeric text field as "123" instead of "0000000123".

DATA: num            TYPE n LENGTH 10 VALUE '123', 
      formatted_text TYPE c LENGTH 10. 

WRITE num TO formatted_text. 
cl_demo_output=>write_text( formatted_text ). 
WRITE num TO formatted_text NO-ZERO. 
cl_demo_output=>display_text( formatted_text ). 

Addition 6

... CURRENCY cur

This addition cannot be used together with the additions ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT and TIME ZONE and not for the numeric data types decfloat16 and decfloat34. This means it also cannot be used together with the addition STYLE.


This addition determines the currency-dependent decimal places when formatting data objects of the numeric data types (b, s), i, int8, p and f. The numeric data types decfloat16 and decfloat34 produce a syntax error or raise an exception. For all other data types the addition is ignored.

For all permitted numeric data types, cur expects a character-like field containing a currency ID from the column WAERS of the database table TCURC in uppercase. Usually two decimal places are used for every value entered in cur, unless the currency ID specified is in the column CURRKEY of the database table TCURX. In this case, the number of decimal places is determined using the CURRDEC column of this table.

For the individual numeric data types, the following applies:

  • For data objects of types (b, s), i, and int8, a decimal separator is inserted into the result at the position determined by cur and the thousands separators are moved accordingly.
  • For data objects of type p, the decimal places determined by the definition of the data type are ignored completely. Independently of the actual value and without rounding, decimal separators and thousands separators are inserted between the digits in the places determined by cur.
  • For data objects of type f, addition CURRENCY has the same effect as addition DECIMALS (see below), where the number of decimal places is determined by cur.


  • The addition CURRENCY is useful with currencies from the tables TCURX or TCURX for displaying data objects of types (b, s), i, int8, or p without decimal places, whose contents are currency amounts in the smallest unit of the currency.
  • For decimal floating point numbers, the methods CONVERT_CURR_TO_DECFLOAT and CONVERT_DECFLOAT_TO_CURR of the system class CL_ABAP_DECFLOAT are provided. These methods convert currency amounts to decimal floating point numbers, as specified by a currency key, and back again.


The formatted result of "12345678" is "123456,78". The currency ID "EUR" is contained in the database table TCURC, but not in TCURX. For this reason two decimal places are used by default.

DATA: int            TYPE i VALUE 12345678, 
      formatted_text TYPE c LENGTH 10. 

WRITE int TO formatted_text NO-GROUPING CURRENCY 'EUR'. 
cl_demo_output=>display_text( formatted_text ). 

Addition 7

... DECIMALS dec

This addition cannot be used together with additions ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT and UNIT.


This addition determines the number of decimal places when formatting data objects of the data types (b, s), i, int8, p, decfloat16, decfloat34, or f, as well as for utclong. Otherwise, the addition is ignored.

dec expects a data object of type i that contains the number of decimal places required. For the individual data types, the following applies:

  • Numeric Data Types
If the content of dec is less than 0, it is handled like 0. The content of data objects of data types (b, s), i, int8, or p is multiplied by 10 to the power of dec beforehand.
  • For data objects of types (b, s), i, and int8, a decimal separator and as many zeroes as specified in dec are appended. The content of dec must not exceed 14. If it does, a non-handleable exception is raised. If the content of dec is 0, the output remains unaffected.
  • For data objects of type p, independently of the number of decimal places determined in the data type, as many decimal places are used as are specified in dec. The content of dec must not exceed 14. If it does, a non-handleable exception is raised. If the source field has more decimal places, they are rounded to the decimal places in dec. If the source field has fewer decimal places, zeroes are appended accordingly.
  • For data objects of types decfloat16 and decfloat34, the content of dec decides the number of decimal places in mathematical notation and the number of places in the mantissa in scientific notation.
  • For data objects of type f, the content of dec determines the number of decimal places in the scientific notation. If the content of dec is greater than 16, it is handled like 16. If the content of dec is greater than the number of decimal places of the source field, zeroes are appended accordingly. If the content of dec is less than the number of decimal places of the source field, they are rounded to the decimal places in dec.
  • Time stamp
The content of dec must be between 0 and 7.
  • For time stamp fields of the time stamp type utclong as many decimal places as specified in dec are used. Excess decimal places are truncated. If dec has the value 0, the decimal separator is removed. If dec has an invalid value, a handleable exception of class CX_SY_CONVERSION_NO_DATE_TIME is raised.
  • If the addition TIMEZONE is specified for suitable numbers of the type p, its content is interpreted as a time stamp. For data type p of length 8 without decimal places (TIMESTAMP from ABAP Dictionary), as many zeroes as specified in dec are appended. For data type p of length 11 with 7 decimal places (TIMESTAMPL from ABAP Dictionary), as many decimal places as specified in dec are used. Excess decimal places are truncated. If dec has the value 0, the decimal separator is removed. If dec has an invalid value, an asterisk "*" is inserted before the date and the last position of the time is truncated.

If the formatting option CURRENCY is also specified, it is first executed for the data types (b, s), i, int8 and p before the formatting option DECIMALS is applied. For data type f, the formatting option CURRENCY is ignored if it is specified together with DECIMALS.


If decimal places are added for a time stamp in a packed number without decimal places (TIMESTAMPL from ABAP Dictionary) with DECIMALS, these are generated only if the available length is sufficient.


The formatted result of "1234.5678" is "1234,57".

DATA: pack           TYPE p LENGTH 8 DECIMALS 4 
                            VALUE '1234.5678', 
      formatted_text TYPE c LENGTH 10. 

WRITE pack TO formatted_text NO-GROUPING DECIMALS 2. 
cl_demo_output=>display_text( formatted_text ). 

Addition 8

... ROUND scale

This addition cannot be used together with additions STYLE, ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT, TIME ZONE, and UNIT. Also, ROUND cannot be used for decimal floating point numbers defined in ABAP Dictionary, because these always have an output style assigned to them.


For source fields of data type p, this addition multiplies the value of the data object by 10 to the power of -scale before it is formatted. Otherwise, the addition is ignored.

scale expects a data object of type i that contains the scaling value required.

If the value of scale is greater than 0 and the addition DECIMALS is not specified, the intermediate result is rounded to the decimal places defined in the data type. If the addition DECIMALS is specified, it is rounded to the number of decimal places specified in dec and these places are output.

If the addition CURRENCY is specified, it is applied to the content of the source field before the multiplication is executed. If the addition DECIMALS is not specified, the number of decimal places determined by cur is used for rounding and formatting. If the addition DECIMALS is specified, the value in dec is used.


The formatted result of "12345678" is "123456.7800".

DATA: pack           TYPE p LENGTH 8 DECIMALS 0 
                            VALUE '12345678', 
      formatted_text TYPE c LENGTH 12. 

WRITE pack TO formatted_text NO-GROUPING ROUND 2 DECIMALS 4. 
cl_demo_output=>display_text( formatted_text ). 

Addition 9

... UNIT unit

This addition cannot be used together with additions DECIMALS, ROUND, STYLE, ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT, and TIME ZONE. Also, UNIT cannot be used for decimal floating point numbers defined in ABAP Dictionary, because these always have an output style assigned to them.


This addition truncates the decimal places that have a value of 0 and that lie outside of the accuracy of a measurement unit when formatting data objects of data type p. Otherwise the addition is ignored (except for type f).

unit expects a character-like field that contains a unit code from column MSEHI of database table T006 in uppercase letters. The system uses column DECAN of the related row in database table T006 to determine the number of decimal places. If the content of unit is not found in T006, the addition is ignored.

  • If the data type of source field is p and has at least as many decimal places as specified by unit, and if no other places that are not equal to 0 are cut off by this action, the content of the source field is formatted with this number of decimal places.
  • For data objects of type f, the addition UNIT has the same effect as the addition DECIMALS (see above), where the number of decimal places is determined by unit.

If, at the same time, the addition CURRENCY is used, this addition is executed first for data type p, before addition UNIT. In this case the addition is ignored for data type f as well.


The first unit ID of the database table T006 is read for which no decimal places are specified in the column DECAN and this ID is used after the addition UNIT. This formats "1234.0000" as "1234".

DATA: pack           TYPE p LENGTH 8 DECIMALS 4 
                            VALUE '1234.0000', 
      formatted_text TYPE c LENGTH 12, 
      unit           TYPE t006-msehi. 

       FROM t006 
       WHERE decan = 0 
       INTO (@unit). 

IF sy-subrc = 0. 
  WRITE pack TO formatted_text NO-GROUPING UNIT unit. 
  cl_demo_output=>display_text( formatted_text ). 

Addition 10


This addition cannot be used together with additions CURRENCY, DECIMALS, EXPONENT, NO-GROUPING, NO-SIGN, NO-ZERO, ROUND, STYLE, TIME ZONE, or UNIT. Also, ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT cannot be used for decimal floating point numbers defined in ABAP Dictionary, because these always have an output style assigned to them.


When this addition is used, the formatting is based on a specified time according to the current formatting setting of the language environment that can be set using SET COUNTRY. A 24-hour format (default) and four 12-hour formats can be configured. The source field can have the type t. The addition is ignored if other types are specified.

The required output length for the 12-hour formats is 11. If data is specified explicitly and statically in the statement WRITE for a source field with type t, an output length of at least 11 must be specified. If a dynamic output length is specified, or if the target field for WRITE TO is shorter than 11, the truncation is performed as described here.


Unlike times, the format of digits or dates in the statement WRITE is always variable. The format of times is variable only if addition ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT is specified.


The following example searches for a 12 hour format in column TIMEFM of data base table T005X and sets the formatting settings accordingly. Time is then formatted as follows: 02:29:11 PM. For a demonstration of all formats, see the appropriate executable example with string templates.

DATA text TYPE c LENGTH 20. 

       FROM t005x 
       WHERE timefm = 1 
       INTO @DATA(land). 
IF sy-subrc <> 0. 

cl_demo_output=>display( text ). 

Addition 11

... TIME ZONE tz

This addition cannot be used together with additions CURRENCY, ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT, EXPONENT, NO-GROUPING, NO-SIGN, NO-ZERO, ROUND, STYLE, or UNIT. Also, TIME ZONE cannot be used for decimal floating point numbers defined in ABAP Dictionary, because these always have an output style assigned to them.


This addition uses the rules for time zones to convert the date and time information of a time stamp to the local date and the local time of the time zone specified in tz. The formatting is done in accordance with the predefined format for time stamps. The addition TIME ZONE can be specified only if the source field is of one of the following data types, otherwise a syntax or runtime error occurs:

  • Time Stamp Type utclong.
  • Numeric data type p with length 8 without decimal places (TIMESTAMP from ABAP Dictionary) or p with length 11 and seven decimal places (TIMESTAMPL from ABAP Dictionary). The value of the embedded expression is interpreted as a time stamp in a packed number.

With the addition TIME ZONE, source fields of these types are formatted in accordance with the predefined format for time stamp outputs.

  • If the addition TIME ZONE is not specified for the time stamp type utclong, the initial time zone is added implicitly.
  • If the addition TIME ZONE is not specified for time stamps in packed numbers, these are formatted as numeric fields of the type p.

tz expects a character-like data object containing a time zone from the database table TTZZ. If the rule set for the specified time zone is incomplete, a non-handleable exception is raised. If tz is initial, no time shift is calculated. The conversion takes place as for the statements CONVERT UTCLONG and CONVERT TIME STAMP. The special rules for the first and last second apply to the time stamp type utclong.

Initial values are handled as follows:

  • The target area is filled with spaces for the time stamp type utclong.
  • For time stamps in packed numbers, the initial value 0 is an invalid value and is formatted as such.

Error handling is as follows:

  • The source field does not contain a valid time stamp:
  • For the time stamp type utclong, a handleable exception of the class CX_SY_CONVERSION_NO_DATE_TIME is raised. Befor the exception is raised, the character string "*??.??.???? ??:??:??,??????" is written to the target variable or list.
  • Time stamps in packed numbers are still formatted as a time stamp, whereby the absolute value is considered for negative numbers. An asterisk "*" is inserted before the date and the last position of the time is truncated. The time zone specified has no effect.
  • The value of tz is not contained in the database table TTZZ, or the conversion would result in a local time outside the value range for local date and time:
  • For the time stamp type utclong, a handleable exception of the class CX_SY_CONVERSION_NO_DATE_TIME is raised. Before the exception is raised, the current time stamp is formatted and written to the target variable or list, whereby an asterisk "*" is inserted before the date and the last position of the time is truncated.
  • Time stamps in packed numbers are still formatted like a time stamp. An asterisk "*" is inserted before the date and the last position of the time is truncated. The time zone specified has no effect.


  • The addition ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT cannot be specified together with TIME ZONE, which means that the 12-hour format for times cannot be used for time stamps in packed numbers. In contrast, the time stamp type utclong follows the current formatting settings by default.
  • The additions DD/MM/YY, and so on, can be specified together with TIME ZONE for time stamps in packed numbers and modify the format of the specified date. They cannot be specified for the time stamp type utclong.
  • The addition DECIMALS can modify the number of decimal places.
  • An initial time zone tz matches UTC only if the tables of the rules for time zones are filled correctly for the time zone UTC.


Formatting of time stamps in a time stamp field and in a packed number in Tasmanian time. If nothing else is defined in the formatting settings, the output shown below is produced.

DATA(ts)   = utclong_current( ). 
DATA(tspl) = cl_abap_tstmp=>utclong2tstmp_short( ts ). 

  formatted_text1 TYPE c LENGTH 50, 
  formatted_text2 TYPE c LENGTH 50. 


WRITE ts   TO formatted_text1 TIME ZONE 'AUSTAS' DECIMALS 3. 
WRITE tspl TO formatted_text2 TIME ZONE 'AUSTAS' DECIMALS 3. 

  )->write(   formatted_text1 
  )->display( formatted_text2 ).
04/05/2019 23:57:58.529

04/05/2019 23:57:58.000

Addition 12

... STYLE stl

The addition cannot be used together with the additions CURRENCY, DD/MM/YY, ... , YYMMDD, ROUND, ENVIRONMENT TIME FORMAT, TIME ZONE, and UNIT .


This addition defines the output format for decimal floating point numbers. Only source fields with a numeric data type are allowed. Numeric source fields that do not have type decfloat34 are converted to this type before they are formatted. If other types are specified dynamically, the exception CX_SY_WRITE_INVALID_STYLE is raised.

Only those values can be specified for the stl output format that exist as constants of type OUTPUTSTYLE in the class CL_ABAP_FORMAT. If other values are specified, the exception CX_SY_WRITE_INVALID_STYLE is also raised. The following table contains all possible output formats:

Constant CL_ABAP_FORMAT=>... Output Format
O_SIMPLE Predefined Output Format
O_SIGN_AS_POSTFIX Commercial notationThe sign is appended to the right (minus sign for negative values, blank for positive values). Trailingzeros in decimal places are truncated. Unlike in O_SIMPLE, where it switches to scientific notation, an exception is raised if not enough space is available.
O_SCALE_PRESERVING Predefined output format that preserves the scale, in which trailing zeroes in decimal places are not cut off. The same format is used as inthe conversion of a source field of type decfloat34 to type string, where thepredefined decimal separator of the statement WRITE is used. If enough space is available, thousands separators are also inserted in the mathematicalnotation. If not enough space is available, an exception is raised. The maximum required length is 24 for decfloat16 and 46 for decfloat34.
O_SCIENTIFIC Scientific notationNo sign is used for a positive number. The output always has at least a two digit exponent with a sign.If the EXPONENT addition is not specified, only one digit (whose value isnot zero) is output in the mantissa before the decimal place, unless the source field has the value0. Any trailing zeros in the decimal places of the mantissa are truncated. Using the addition DECIMALS, the number of decimal places of the exponent can be specified with EXPONENT.If neither of the additions DECIMALS and EXPONENTare used, the maximum length needed is 23 for decfloat16 and 42 for decfloat34. If not enough space is available, commercial rounding is used. If insufficient spaceis available for the sign, the minimum number of digits before the decimal place of the mantissa, and the required exponent, an exception of the CX_SY_CONVERSION_OVERFLOW class is raised.
O_SCIENTIFIC_WITH_LEADING_ZERO Scientific withleading zero with leading zero As O_SCIENTIFIC with the following differences: Only one digit withthe value 0 is output before the decimal place. The addition EXPONENT cannotbe used. If the addition DECIMALS is not used, the maximum length needed is 24 for decfloat16 and 43 for decfloat34.
O_SCALE_PRESERVING_SCIENTIFIC Scientific notation preservingscaling. As O_SCIENTIFIC withthe following differences: The exponent always has three digits for decfloat16and four digits for decfloat34. Trailing zeros after the decimal point ofthe mantissa are not truncated. The addition EXPONENT cannot be specified.If insufficient space is available, rounding does not take place; instead an exception of the CX_SY_CONVERSION_OVERFLOW class is raised.
O_ENGINEERING Engineering format - as O_SCIENTIFIC with the following differences: The value of the exponent isalways a whole number to the power of 3. The value range of the digits before the decimal place is between1 and 999, unless the source field has the value 0. The EXPONENT addition must not be used.

If the addition STYLE is used together with other additions that also influence the format of numbers, the following rules apply:

  • The addition EXPONENT can only be specified for the output format O_SCIENTIFIC for scientific notation.
  • The addition DECIMALS cannot be specified for output formats that preserve scale. For the output formats O_SIMPLE and O_SIGN_AS_POSTFIX, DECIMALS determines the number of decimal places. In some cases commercial rounding may take place or trailing zeroes may be appended. For the scientific output formats, DECIMALS determines the number of decimal places in the mantissa. In some cases commercial rounding may take place.
  • The addition USING EDIT MASK can only be specified if it calls a conversion routine. The addition USING NO EDIT MASK can be specified as normal.


  • To a great extent, the formats match the output styles specified when a domain is created with one of the types DF16_DEC, DF16_RAW, DF16_SCL (obsolete), DF34_DEC, DF34_RAW, or DF34_SCL (obsolete) in ABAP Dictionary.
  • When a decimal floating point number defined in ABAP Dictionary is formatted, the formatting option STYLE overrides the output style defined in ABAP Dictionary.
  • It is best to use the formatting option STYLE for the formatting of all numeric output. This addition then replaces all other additions whose output format can be specified using stl.
  • To specify the scaling of a decimal floating point number before the use of the format O_SCALE_PRESERVING_SCIENTIFIC, the built-in function rescale can be called by specifying the parameter dec.
  • The methods CONVERT_CURR_TO_DECFLOAT and CONVERT_DECFLOAT_TO_CURR of the system class CL_ABAP_DECFLOAT are helpful when representing currency amounts saved as decimal floating point numbers. These methods convert currency amounts to decimal floating point numbers, as specified by a currency key, and back again.
  • The format O_SCALE_PRESERVING_SCIENTIFIC is intended to help create output that is aligned vertically with reference to the decimal separator and exponent without the addition DECIMALS being used. To make this possible, the built-in function rescale can be called before output by specifying the parameter prec.


The following WRITE statement formats the decimal floating point number 123456 as 123,456E+03.

DATA text TYPE c LENGTH 20. 

WRITE CONV decfloat34( '123456' ) TO text 
      STYLE cl_abap_format=>o_engineering. 
cl_demo_output=>display( text ). 

Executable Example

Decimal Floating Point Number, Formatting with STYLE

Addition 13



This addition overrides a conversion routine assigned using a reference to ABAP Dictionary. The addition NO EDIT MASK only switches off the execution of an assigned conversion routine. The addition EDIT MASK calls either another conversion routine or defines an edit mask. mask expects a character-like data object.

To call any conversion routine CNVRT, mask must contain two equals signs directly followed by the name of the conversion routine: "==CNVRT". During formatting, the content of the source field is passed to function module CONVERSION_EXIT_CNVRT_OUTPUT, converted there, and the result is used. If the function module is not found, a handleable exception is raised. The statement DESCRIBE FIELD contains an addition so that it can fill mask accordingly.

If the first two characters in mask are not equals signs, the content is interpreted as an edit mask, in which some characters have a particular meaning. The statement WRITE then does not directly format the content of the source field, but the character string in mask instead, as follows:

  • If the first two characters in mask are "LL" or "RR", they are not inserted into the result. They specify whether the formatting is executed left-justified or right-justified. If the first two characters are any other characters, the formatting is left-justified.
  • All characters "_" are replaced from the left (if "LL") or from the right (if "RR") by the characters for character-like types or numbers for the types (b, s), i, int8, or p from the source field. For fields of type c, trailing blanks are ignored. Data objects of types f or x are converted to type c before they are formatted. Surplus characters "_" in mask are replaced by blanks. Characters from the source field for which there are no "_" characters in mask are not included in the result.
  • If the source field is of type ((b, s), i, int8 or p, the character "V" in mask is inserted from the left for a negative number as "-" and for a positive number as a blank into the result.
  • All other characters in the edit mask are taken over unchanged.

The formatting is executed for the available length. If formatting options other than an edit mask have also been specified, they are applied first and then the special characters in the edit mask are replaced by the intermediate result. The date formatting mask DD/MM/YY is an exception to this rule. If it is specified, the edit mask is ignored.


  • The sign of a negative number is not included in the result if no formatting character "V" is specified. The decimal separator of a packed number with decimal places must be specified at the required place in the edit mask.
  • For type p, note that only the digits are evaluated and the place of the decimal separator is ignored.
  • A conversion routine must be called for the types decfloat16 and decfloat34. Edit masks cannot be specified.
  • When using EDIT MASK in the statement WRITE for lists, a number of special features are applicable.


Formats a duration. The assignment executes the function module CONVERSION_EXIT_DURA_OUTPUT, which converts the period given in seconds into minutes. In the second mapping, the edit mask is used in accordance with the rules specified above, where the underscores "_" are replaced with characters from time.

DATA: dura           TYPE i, 
     time           TYPE t VALUE '080000', 
      formatted_text TYPE c LENGTH 30. 

dura = sy-uzeit - time. 
time = dura. 

WRITE dura TO formatted_text USING EDIT MASK '==SDURA'. 
cl_demo_output=>write_text( formatted_text ). 
WRITE time TO formatted_text USING EDIT MASK 
                           'RRThe duration is __:__:__'. 
cl_demo_output=>display_text( formatted_text ). 

Addition 14

... DD/MM/YY   | MM/DD/YY

These additions cannot be used together with the addition STYLE, not for the time stamp type utclong, and not for decimal floating point numbers defined in ABAP Dictionary, which are always assigned an output style.


These additions affect the formatting of data objects of the data type d or the date specified in time stamps in packed numbers if they are specified as such by the addition TIME ZONE. Otherwise they are ignored.

The content of a data object of type d, or the date specified in a time stamp, is interpreted as a valid date in the form "yyyymmdd" and formatted for the individual additions as follows:

  • DD/MM/YY and MM/DD/YY
    Both additions have the same effect. The date is formatted with a two-digit year and separators. Separators and the order are based on according to the current formatting setting of the language environment that can be set using SET COUNTRY.
    Both additions have the same effect. The date is formatted with a four-digit year with separators. Separators and the order are based on according to the current formatting setting of the language environment that can be set using SET COUNTRY.
    Both additions have the same effect. The date is formatted with a two-digit year with no separators. The order is based according to the current formatting setting of the language environment that can be set using SET COUNTRY.
    This addition formats the date with a two-digit year without separators in the format "yymmdd".

If the available length is too short, the formatted output is truncated at the right.



The formatting is, for example, "060131".

DATA formatted_text TYPE c LENGTH 50. 

WRITE sy-datlo TO formatted_text YYMMDD. 
cl_demo_output=>display_text( formatted_text ).


Decimal Floating Point Numbers, Formatting with STYLE