ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP − Reference → Data Interfaces and Communication Interfaces → ABAP and JSON → JSON, Examples
JSON, asJSON for Additional XML Schema Data Types
This example demonstrates asJSON for additional XML Schema Data Types.
Other versions:
7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
Source Code
BEGIN OF examples,
BEGIN OF boolean,
ab_true TYPE abap_bool
VALUE abap_true,
ab_false TYPE abap_bool
VALUE abap_false,
xsd_true TYPE xsdboolean
VALUE abap_true,
xsd_false TYPE xsdboolean
VALUE abap_false,
END OF boolean,
BEGIN OF date,
ab_date TYPE d
VALUE `20121001`,
xsd_date TYPE xsddate_d
VALUE `20121001`,
END OF date,
BEGIN OF datetime,
ab_utclong TYPE utclong
VALUE `2012-07-27 17:03:34.1234`,
ab_timestamp TYPE timestamp
VALUE `20120727170334`,
ab_timestampl TYPE timestampl
VALUE `20120727170334.1234`,
xsd_datetime_z TYPE xsddatetime_z
VALUE `20120727170334`,
xsd_datetime_long_z TYPE xsddatetime_long_z
VALUE `20120727170334.1234`,
xsd_datetime_offset TYPE xsddatetime_offset
VALUE `20120727170334+140`,
xsd_datetime_local TYPE xsddatetime_local
VALUE `20120727170334`,
xsd_datetime_local_dt TYPE xsddatetime_local_dt
VALUE `20120727170334`,
END OF datetime,
BEGIN OF language,
ab_language TYPE sy-langu
xsd_language TYPE xsdlanguage
END OF language,
BEGIN OF uuid,
ab_uuid_raw TYPE x LENGTH 16
VALUE `005056A207C81ED1BFC6B69E72F50550`,
ab_uuid_char TYPE c LENGTH 32
VALUE `005056A207C81ED1BFC6B69E72F50550`,
xsd_uuid_raw TYPE xsduuid_raw
VALUE `005056A207C81ED1BFC6B69E72F50550`,
xsd_uuid_char TYPE xsduuid_char
VALUE `005056A207C81ED1BFC6B69E72F50550`,
END OF uuid,
END OF examples.
"Transformation to JSON
DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new(
)->begin_section( 'asJSON' ).
DATA(writer) = cl_sxml_string_writer=>create(
type = if_sxml=>co_xt_json ).
CALL TRANSFORMATION id SOURCE examples = examples
RESULT XML writer.
DATA(json) = writer->get_output( ).
out->write_json( json ).
out->next_section( 'asJSON-XML' ).
DATA(reader) = cl_sxml_string_reader=>create( json ).
DATA(xml_writer) = cl_sxml_string_writer=>create( ).
reader->next_node( ).
reader->skip_node( xml_writer ).
DATA(xml) = xml_writer->get_output( ).
out->write_xml( xml ).
out->next_section( 'asXML' ).
CALL TRANSFORMATION id SOURCE examples = examples
out->write_xml( xml )->display( ).
A call of the identity transformation ID (in which a
JSON writer is specified as an XML target) creates and displays the
asJSON format of a structure. The structure components are typed with normal ABAP types and also typed with special
domains for XML schema data types. The time
stamp type utclong
is formatted by default using yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fffffffZ. Time stamps in packed numbers, on the other hand, require special domains.
As a comparison, the JSON-XML representation of the JSON data and the asXML representation of the ABAP data is also shown.