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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Obsolete Language Elements →  Obsolete Program Attributes 

Obsolete ABAP Language Versions

The following ABAP language versions are obsolete.

Language Version Meaning Version ID
Static ABAP with restricted object use In this version of ABAP, the rules for Standard ABAP (Unicode) apply, with restrictions on access to externalrepository objects.Dynamically specified data and statements for dynamic creation of programs are forbidden here to makesure that static checks can be carried out. The corresponding language elements are hidden in the documentation for static ABAP with restricted object use.   3
Standard ABAP with restricted object use In this version of ABAP, the rules for Standard ABAP (Unicode) apply, with restrictions on access to externalrepository objects. Dynamic language elements are not forbidden in this version.   4
Non-Unicode ABAP The version ID of a program of this type is initial. No Unicode checks are performed in programs of this type.   -

Only the versions specified under ABAP language versions should be used. The ABAP language versions above are obsolete for the following reasons:

  • There are no application scenarios for the the following versions:
  • static ABAP with restricted object use,
  • standard ABAP with restricted object use.
The associated lists of permitted repository objects have been frozen and no more objects can be added.
  • Non-Unicode ABAP is fully obsolete and is not supported in this release.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54