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AMDP - Mapping of ABAP Types to SQLScript

As shown in the following tables, the elementary ABAP types are mapped to the appropriate types in SQL Script. These include:

  • Interface parameters of a AMDP method

The tables distinguish parameters that reference a type defined in ABAP from those that reference a built-in type in ABAP Dictionary. No parameters or type references can be defined for SQL Script types that are not listed here.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Mapping with Reference to Types Defined in ABAP

Numeric Types

ABAP Type HANA Type Note
b SMALLINT SMALLINT is a two byte integer with sign
s SMALLINT SMALLINT is a two byte integer with sign
int8 BIGINT -
p, length leng with dec decimal places DECIMAL, length 2len-1 with dec decimal places -
decfloat16 VARBINARY, length 8 Cannot be interpreted as a number in the database and no calculations can be performed
decfloat34 VARBINARY, length 16 Cannot be interpreted as a number in the database and no calculations can be performed

Character-Like Types

ABAP Type HANA Type Note
c, length len NVARCHAR, length len -
string NCLOB Not permitted for input/output parameters
n, length len NVARCHAR, length len A suitable casting to a numeric database type must be performed before calculations can be made in the database. Numeric results must be transformed back to the ABAP format.

Byte-Like Types

ABAP Type HANA Type Note
x, length len VARBINARY, length len -
xstring BLOB Not permitted for input/output parameters

Date Types, Time Types, and Time Stamp Types

ABAP Type HANA Type Note
d NVARCHAR, length 8 A casting to the DATE type of the database must be performed before date calculations can be made. SQL Script offers the built-in function to_dats.
t NVARCHAR, length 6 A casting to the TIME type of the database must be performed before time calculations can be made. SQL Script offers the built-in function to_tims.
utclong TIMESTAMP -

Mapping with Reference to Types Defined in ABAP Dictionary

The built-in types in ABAP Dictionary are mapped like the associated ABAP types, with the following exceptions.

Dictionary Type HANA Type Note
DECFLOAT16 SMALLDECIMAL Recommended mapping
DECFLOAT34 DECIMAL Recommended mapping
DF16_DEC, length leng with dec decimal places DECIMAL, length 2len-1 with dec decimal places Value range on the database is less than in ABAP
DF34_DEC, length leng with dec decimal places DECIMAL, length 2len-1 with dec decimal places Value range on the database is less than in ABAP
DF16_SCL - Obsolete, not supported
DF34_SCL - Obsolete, not supported
DATN DATE Recommended mapping
TIMN TIME Recommended mapping
GEOM_EWKB ST_GEOMETRY Recommended mapping
SSTRING, length len NVARCHAR, length len -


In the recommended mappings, the ABAP type should be defined with reference to the built-in ABAP Dictionary type to define the more suitable HANA type.