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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Assignments →  Assigning References →  Setting Field Symbols →  ASSIGN →  ASSIGN - mem_area →  ASSIGN - dynamic_dobj 


The examples shows how the statement ASSIGN behaves when the addition INCREMENT is used.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

    DATA assign TYPE c LENGTH 1 VALUE '1'.
      EXPORTING text  = `ASSIGN statement (1 to 6)`
      CHANGING  field = assign ).

    DATA: BEGIN OF struc,
            word TYPE c LENGTH 4 VALUE 'abcd',
            int1 TYPE i          VALUE 111,
            int2 TYPE i          VALUE 222,
            stri TYPE string     VALUE `efgh`,
          END OF struc.

    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <word> LIKE struc-word,
                   <int>  TYPE i.

    CASE assign.
      WHEN '1'. "-> sy-subrc 0
        ASSIGN struc-word INCREMENT 1 TO <word> RANGE struc.
      WHEN '2'. "-> Runtime error
        ASSIGN struc-word INCREMENT 1 TO <int>  RANGE struc.
      WHEN '3'. "-> Runtime error
        ASSIGN struc-word INCREMENT 2 TO <word> RANGE struc.
      WHEN '4'. "-> Runtime error
        ASSIGN struc-word INCREMENT 2 TO <int>  RANGE struc.
      WHEN '5'. "-> sy-subrc 4
        ASSIGN struc-word INCREMENT 3 TO <word> RANGE struc.
      WHEN '6'. "-> sy-subrc 4
        ASSIGN struc-word INCREMENT 3 TO <int>  RANGE struc.
        cl_demo_output=>display( 'Enter a number between 1 and 6' ).

    cl_demo_output=>write( |sy-subrc: { sy-subrc }| ).
      cl_demo_output=>write( 'Field symbol is assigned' ).
    cl_demo_output=>display( ).


This example shows why use the addition INCREMENT in the statement ASSIGN should be used only if it is necessary access sequences of similar memory areas and that the typing of the field symbol must match the way casting_spec is specified. Any access which is not appropriate as shown in the example can produce the following behavior:

  • The first ASSIGN statement returns the value 0 in sy-subrc. <word> is assigned the contiguous memory area of struc-int1 and struc-int2 and this is cast to the type c.
  • The second ASSIGN statement terminates with a runtime error since the data type of struc-word does not match the typing of <int>.
  • The third ASSIGN statement terminates with a runtime error since the system tries to assign the component struc-strito <word>, and as the structure is deep and the typing of <word> is flat, no casting is possible.
  • The fourth ASSIGN statement terminates with a runtime error since the system tries to assign the component struc-stri to <int>, and as the structure is deep and the typing of <int> is flat, no casting is possible.
  • The fifth and the sixth ASSIGN statement both return the value 4 in sy-subrc since the system tries to allocate memory area outside the structure struc specified after RANGE.