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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Obsolete Language Elements →  Obsolete Calls →  CALL DIALOG 

Calling a Dialog Module

This example demonstrates how a dialog module can be called.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

REPORT demo_dialog_module.

DATA spfli_wa TYPE spfli.
spfli_wa-carrid = 'LH'.
spfli_wa-connid = '0400'.


      spfli-carrid FROM spfli_wa-carrid
      spfli-connid FROM spfli_wa-connid
      spfli_wa     TO spfli_wa.

      WRITE: / spfli_wa-carrid,
             / spfli_wa-connid,
             / spfli_wa-countryfr,
             / spfli_wa-cityfrom,
             / spfli_wa-airpfrom,
             / spfli_wa-countryto,
             / spfli_wa-cityto,
             / spfli_wa-airpto,
             / spfli_wa-fltime,
             / spfli_wa-deptime,
             / spfli_wa-arrtime,
             / spfli_wa-distance,
             / spfli_wa-distid,
             / spfli_wa-fltype,
             / spfli_wa-period.


Calls a dialog module DEMO_DIALOG_MODULE associated with the program SAPMDEMO_TRANSACTION.