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ABAP CDS - Specifying Annotations

CDS entities and CDS roles plus CDS annotation definitions themselves can (or must) be annotated with metadata using CDS annotations. This is done by specifying annotations directly in the associated CDS source code or in CDS metadata extensions. The annotations of CDS metadata extensions expand (or override) the annotations specified in the source code of a CDS entity.

An annotation is specified in fixed annotation syntax. This is then checked by the syntax check of the annotated source code. Only those annotations should be specified that are defined as a CDS object in a CDS annotation definition. An annotation definition dictates the precise way an annotation must be specified. ADT supports the specification of valid annotations (namely annotations with an annotation definition) by using colors in the source code and code completion. The syntax check for the definition of a CDS entity in DDL source code for CDS entities does not yet evaluate the annotation definitions. DDLA source code and DDLX source code also check annotations with respect to their annotation definitions.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


  • The program ABAP_DOCU_CDS_ANNOS_OVERVIEW shows all SAP annotations and their properties.


ABAP CDS - Annotation Syntax

ABAP CDS Metadata Extensions

ABAP CDS - Scopes for Annotations