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CDS Metadata Extensions with CDS Variants

The example demonstrates the evaluation of CDS annotations that are defined in CDS metadata extensions.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

    DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new(
      )->next_section( 'No Meta Data Extension' ).
        entityname         =     'DEMO_CDS_MDE'
        metadata_extension =     abap_false
        element_annos      =     DATA(element_annos) ).
    DELETE element_annos WHERE elementname <> 'ELEMENT'.
    out->write( element_annos
      )->next_section( 'With Meta Data Extension'
      )->begin_section( 'No Variant' ).
        entityname         =     'DEMO_CDS_MDE'
        metadata_extension =     abap_true
        element_annos      =     element_annos ).
    DELETE element_annos WHERE elementname <> 'ELEMENT'.
    out->write( element_annos
      )->next_section( 'DemoVariant1' ).
        entityname         =     'DEMO_CDS_MDE'
        variant            =     'DEMOVARIANT1'
        metadata_extension =     abap_true
        element_annos      =     element_annos ).
    DELETE element_annos WHERE elementname <> 'ELEMENT'.
    out->write( element_annos
      )->next_section( 'DemoVariant2' ).
        entityname         =     'DEMO_CDS_MDE'
        variant            =     'DEMOVARIANT2'
        metadata_extension =     abap_true
        element_annos      =     element_annos ).
    DELETE element_annos WHERE elementname <> 'ELEMENT'.
    out->write( element_annos
      )->next_section( 'Wrong Variant' ).
        entityname         =     'DEMO_CDS_MDE'
        variant            =     '�wrxlbrxlkrk'
        metadata_extension =     abap_true
        element_annos      =     element_annos ).
    DELETE element_annos WHERE elementname <> 'ELEMENT'.
    out->write( element_annos
      )->display( ).


The example program uses the method GET_ANNOS of class CL_DD_DDL_ANNOTATION_SERVICE to access the following CDS view:

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMOCDSVIEWMDE'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@Metadata.allowExtensions: true
define view Demo_Cds_MDE
  as select from
        @UI.dataPoint.title: 'View, title'
        @UI.dataPoint.description: 'View, description'
        @UI.dataPoint.longDescription: 'View, longdescription'
      'X' as element
      id = 'X'          

The annotations of the view are extended or overridden by the following CDS metadata extensions:

@Metadata.layer: #INDUSTRY
annotate view Demo_Cds_MDE with
  @UI.dataPoint.title: 'MDE INDUSTRY, no variant, title'
  @UI.dataPoint.description: 'MDE INDUSTRY, no variant, description'
@Metadata.layer: #INDUSTRY
annotate view Demo_Cds_MDE with
  @UI.dataPoint.longDescription: 'MDE INDUSTRY, DemoVariant1, longDescription'
@Metadata.layer: #INDUSTRY
annotate view Demo_Cds_MDE with
  @UI.dataPoint.title: 'MDE INDUSTRY, DemoVariant2, title'
  @UI.dataPoint.description: 'MDE INDUSTRY, DemoVariant2, description'
@Metadata.layer: #PARTNER
annotate view Demo_Cds_MDE with
  @UI.dataPoint.title: 'MDE PARTNER, no variant, title'
@Metadata.layer: #PARTNER
annotate view Demo_Cds_MDE with
  @UI.dataPoint.title: 'MDE PARTNER, DemoVariant1, title'
@Metadata.layer: #PARTNER
annotate view Demo_Cds_MDE with
  @UI.dataPoint.title: 'MDE PARTNER, DemoVariant2, title'
  @UI.dataPoint.description: 'MDE PARTNER, DemoVariant2, description'

The evaluation is done with different parameters for the method GET_ANNOS:

  • If the value of abap_false is transferred to the parameter METADATA_EXTENSION, the default evaluation of the metadata extensions is switched off for the view and the annotations that are specified in the source code are returned.
  • If the value of abap_true is transferred to the parameter METADATA_EXTENSION (default behavior), all existing metadata extensions for the view are evaluated as follows.
  • If the name of a CDS variant is not transferred, only annotations from metadata extensions that are not assigned to a variant are used. DEMO_CDS_MDE_PARTNR_NO_VARIANT is evaluated first and the annotation @UI.dataPoint.title is found there. This is ignored in the next metadata extension in the hierarchy, DEMO_CDS_MDE_INDSTR_NO_VARIANT, from which only @UI.dataPoint.description is used. Finally, UI.dataPoint.longDescription is used from the view itself, which has no entry in a metadata extension.
  • If the name of the CDS variant DemoVariant1 is transferred, annotations from the metadata extensions that are assigned to this variant are used first, and then annotations from metadata extensions that are not assigned to a variant. DEMO_CDS_MDE_PARTNR_VARIANT_1 is evaluated first and the annotation @UI.dataPoint.title is found there. In the next metadata extension in the hierarchy, DEMO_CDS_MDE_INDSTR_VARIANT1, the annotation @UI.dataPoint.longDescription is found. No annotation is found in DEMO_CDS_MDE_PARTNR_NO_VARIANT. In DEMO_CDS_MDE_INDSTR_NO_VARIANT, the annotation @UI.dataPoint.description (not used until now) is found and used. The annotations of the source code of the view are all overridden.
  • If the name of the CDS variant DemoVariant2 is passed, DEMO_CDS_MDE_PARTNR_VARIANT_2 is evaluated first and the annotations UI.dataPoint.title and @UI.dataPoint.description are found there. In the next metadata extension in the hierarchy, DEMO_CDS_MDE_INDSTR_VARIANT2, there are no annotations that have not already been used. The same applies to DEMO_CDS_MDE_PARTNR_NO_VARIANT and DEMO_CDS_MDE_INDSTR_NO_VARIANT, which are evaluated next. Therefore, the annotation UI.dataPoint.longDescription from the view itself is used.
  • If the name of an invalid CDS variant is passed, an empty internal table is returned.

The column SOURCEDDLX in the output internal tables contains the metadata extension in which an annotation is specified.


CDS variants are not currently released for general use. It is not possible to define standalone CDS variants and the use of CDS variants in metadata extensions produces a syntax check warning.