ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Dictionary → ABAP CDS in ABAP Dictionary → ABAP CDS - Access Control → ABAP CDS - DCL Statements → ABAP CDS - DEFINE ROLE → ABAP CDS - DEFINE ROLE, condition
ABAP CDS - DEFINE ROLE, inherit_condition
Other versions:
7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
... { INHERIT parent_role FOR GRANT SELECT ON cds_entity }
} ...
1. ... INHERIT parent_role FOR GRANT SELECT ON cds_entity
Inheritance condition as part of an access condition cond_expr in an access rule of the statement DEFINE ROLE in CDS DCL. There is one variant that applies the access conditions from a different CDS role, one variant that applies the access conditions from a CDS entity, and one variant that applies the access conditions from SUPER.
- Multiple inheritance conditions can be specified within a single access condition and these can be combined with literal conditions, PFCG conditions, and user conditions.
- The inherited access conditions are parenthesized implicitly. It is not necessary to set parentheses explicitly.
- An inheritance conditions cannot be negated using NOT.
Variant 1
... INHERIT parent_role FOR GRANT SELECT ON cds_entity
This variant of an inheritance condition applies all access conditions specified after the access rule FOR GRANT SELECT ON cds_entity from an existing CDS role parent_role. If the role parent_role has multiple access rules for the same CDS entity cds_entity, they are inherited using conditions joined by a logical "or".
The inherited access conditions inherited from parent_role must match the current CDS entity. Full access rules cannot be inherited.
- This variant of inherited access rules is used to apply the access conditions for CDS entities that are used as data sources in the current CDS entity.
- It is still being established whether the current CDS entity contains the CDS entity cds_entity as a data source for which the inherited access conditions are defined in the role parent_role.
- Any changes to that CDS entity cds_entity for which the inherited access conditions are defined in the role parent_role can produce errors in the inheriting roles.
- Unlike the obsolete inherited access rules, the existing role parent_role can have multiple access rules. The addition FOR GRANT SELECT ON cds_entity selects the access conditions to inherit.
The following CDS view uses the CDS view DEMO_CDS_AUTH_LIT_PFCG from the example for conditional access rules as the data source:
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
define view demo_cds_auth_inherited
as select from
key carrid,
The view DEMO_CDS_AUTH_LIT_PFCG is assigned to the CDS role DEMO_CDS_ROLE_LIT_PFCG. The access conditions for the CDS entity DEMO_CDS_AUTH_LIT_PFCG of this role are inherited in the following CDS role and hence pass these conditions to the view DEMO_CDS_AUTH_INHERITED. An additional literal condition allows access to another currency.
define role demo_cds_role_inherited {
grant select on demo_cds_auth_inherited
inherit demo_cds_role_lit_pfcg
for grant select on demo_cds_auth_lit_pfcg
or currcode = 'USD'; }
The language element INHERIT FOR GRANT SELECT ON inherits the access conditions of the existing role for the specified view and joins them with the additional condition. Expressed explicitly, the resulting access condition looks like this:
aspect pfcg_auth (s_carrid, carrid, actvt='03') and
currcode = 'EUR' or
currcode = 'USD' ...
Variant 2
2. ... REPLACING { ... }
From a CDS entity cds_entity, this variant of an inheritance condition inherits the access roles defined for it using CDS roles and inserts them at the location of the inheritance condition. This joins the access rules of multiple CDS using a logical "or". If a CDS defines multiple access rules for cds_entity, these are also joined using a logical "or" when they are inherited. If the CDS entity does not have any access conditions yet, the addition DEFAULT must be specified. If not, a syntax error occurs.
The inherited access conditions must match the CDS entity for which the current access rule is defined.
- If an inherited access condition does not match the current CDS entity, for example because the wrong field or path is specified, all access rules of the parent CDS role are ignored.
- If there is no full access rule for the entity in this case, the current CDS role cannot be activated.
- If there is a full access rule for the entity, the CDS role can be activated but a syntax check warning occurs.
- Unlike in the previous role-based inheritance, this variant also permits the inheritance of a full access rule and replaces the expression INHERITING CONDITIONS ... with the Boolean predicate TRUE.
- An annotation @AccessControl.authorizationCheck in the source code of the parent CDS entity cds_entity is ignored by INHERITING CONDITIONS. The access rules are passed to the current CDS role even if the value #NOT_ALLOWED is specified.
Addition 1
If the source CDS entity does not have a CDS role, this addition replaces the expression INHERITING CONDITIONS ... with the Boolean predicate TRUE or FALSE.
- If specified for the variant INHERITING CONDITIONS, DEFAULT TRUE is designed to inherit access conditions from other CDS entities regardless of whether a CDS role is already defined for them or not.
- If the variant INHERITING CONDITIONS is the only access condition of an access rule and no CDS role is defined for the CDS entity cds_entity, the rule is applied like a full access rule if DEFAULT TRUE is specified and like a rule that is always broken if DEFAULT FALSE is specified.
Addition 2
[ELEMENT source_field WITH target_field][, ELEMENT ...]
[, CONDITIONS ON ANY OF (element1[, element2 ...])
[, PARAMETERS WITH (parameterbindings)]
[, PFCG_FILTER [OBJECT auth_object]
FIELD auth_field VALUE old WITH new[, PFCG_FILTER ...]]
The optional addition REPLACING of INHERITING CONDITIONS can be used to modify the inherited conditions. A comma-separated list of replacements can be specified in the curly brackets { }. At least one replacement must be specified.
- Any number of ELEMENT operators can be used to transform conditions that use fields of the inherited entity to a different field of the inheriting entity.
- Any number of CONDITIONS ON ANY OF operators can be used to replace conditions of the inherited roles that reference at least one of the specified elements with one of the special condition types TRUE, FALSE, or VOID. If this operator is used, the inherited roles themselves cannot use inheritance (either using INHERIT or INHERIT CONDITIONS FROM ENTITY|SUPER).
- The addition IF ALL CONDITIONS VOID THEN can be applied only if at least one CONDITIONS ON ANY OF ... WITH VOID exists. It specifies the behavior when all conditions of the inherited roles are mapped to a VOID operator by the replacement operator. This is an error situation that can be produced by changes to the inherited role in an inheriting role and the use of this addition in the inheriting role hence provides protection against future errors.
- In the inherited conditions, ROOT WITH prefixes all elements that designate the CDS entity cds_entity with the SQL path expression path_expr. The path expression can have one or more levels and can be specified in the same way as in the CDS entity. This means that the CDS associations of the path expression must be usable here and it must be possible to specify parameters and attributes. All directly specified elements and any elements that are themselves specified using a path expression are prefixed with the path expression.
- The addition INCLUDING PARAMETERS of the statement ROOT WITH can be used to apply parameters filled in the specified replacement path in the inherited conditions too. If the statement ROOT WITH is not used, the same function is provided by the operator PARAMETERS WITH.
- PFCG_FILTER is used to replace the values assigned to the optional authorization fields in inherited PFCG conditions:
- The optional authorization object auth_object to which the replacement applies can be specified after OBJECT. If no authorization object is specified after OBJECT, the values are replaced for all optional authorization fields auth_field that are specified in the inherited access condition.
- FIELD must be followed by the name of the authorization field auth_field for which the value is replaced, as long as this field is specified as an optional authorization field in the inherited PFCG condition.
- VALUE is followed by the replaced value and WITH is followed by a the new value as a literal in quotation marks.
- Notes on ELEMENT
- The operator ELEMENT is only available for transaction projection view entities.
- This operator can currently replace only fields and no path expressions.
- The target field must be specified as an alias of the source field in the transactional view entity.
- An element of a CONDITIONS ON ANY OF can be an incomplete path expression that does not end with a field. In this case, all fields are affected whose path expression starts with this section. Example: toX includes both toX.A and toX.toY.Z.
- The statement CONDITIONS ON ANY OF can be used more than once. In this case, the set of elements of the element lists of the different CONDITIONS ON ANY OF operators must be disjoint. All CDS elements in the set of the inherited conditions can be covered by a maximum of one of these operators.
- Path filters and parameters cannot be specified in the statement CONDITIONS ON ANY OF. Validity is determined regardless of whether elements are this type exist.
- The fields and path elements removed by the REPLACING operator must exist in the inheriting CDS entity. This is not, therefore, a suitable way of suppressing nonexistent CDS elements in the future. It is, however, possible to name fields and paths that are not used (or not yet used) in inherited CDS access control. When specified, however, a non-used element produces a syntax warning.
- Notes on ROOT WITH
- A path expression prefix makes it possible to protect a CDS entity with the access rules of the target data source of one of its CDS associations.
- Notes on PFCG_FILTER
- Specifying nonexistent authorization objects or authorization fields can also produce a syntax error.
- The values are replaced with literal replacements. A value is checked to verify whether it matches an authorization field of an authorization object but any non-matching objects only produce a warning at most and do not stop the activation from taking place.
- To swap values, three replacements must be made. First, the first value is set to a temporary helper value that must be different from the existing values. This helper value must be replaced again after the second value is replaced. The helper value can have no more than 40 characters.
Variant 3
This variant is possible only if the access rule has the addition REDEFINITION and only if the inherited CDS entity has access controls.
Instead of this condition, those conditions are used that would have been applied by the access controls disabled by REDEFINITION.
The following CDS view access the database table SCARR directly.
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
define view demo_cds_authority_inheriting
as select from
key carrid,
This view is assigned the following CDS role, which applies the access rules for the CDS view DEMO_CDS_AUTH_LIT_PFCG from the example for conditional access rules, which themselves are defined in the role DEMO_CDS_ROLE_LIT_PFCG.
define role demo_cds_role_inheriting {
inheriting conditions from entity demo_cds_auth_lit_pfcg
replacing { pfcg_filter object s_carrid
field actvt value '03' with '02' }; }
REPLACING is used to replace the value '03' inherited from the role DEMO_CDS_ROLE_LIT_PFCG for the authorization field ACTVT of the authorization object S_CARRID with the value '02'. The resulting access rule is:
where (carrid) =
aspect pfcg_auth (s_carrid, carrid, actvt='02') and
currcode = 'EUR';
This means that users who have display authorization for the view DEMO_CDS_AUTH_LIT_PFCG are granted change authorization for the view DEMO_CDS_AUTHORITY_INHERITING (which does not make any sense for a CDS view).