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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Assignments →  Assigning Structure Components →  Assigning Components: Examples 

CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING for Tabular Components

This example demonstrates the system class CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING for tabular components of structures.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

    TYPES: BEGIN OF line1,
             col1 TYPE i,
             col2 TYPE i,
           END OF line1,
           BEGIN OF line2,
             col2 TYPE i,
             col3 TYPE i,
           END OF line2.

    DATA: BEGIN OF struc1,
            itab TYPE TABLE OF line1 WITH EMPTY KEY,
          END OF struc1.

    DATA: BEGIN OF struc2,
            itab TYPE TABLE OF line2 WITH EMPTY KEY,
          END OF struc2.

    data(out) = cl_demo_output=>new( ).

    struc1-itab = VALUE #(
      ( col1 = 11 col2 = 12 )
      ( col1 = 21 col2 = 22 ) ).

    MOVE-CORRESPONDING struc1 TO struc2.
    out->write( struc2-itab ).

    CLEAR struc2-itab.
    out->write( struc2-itab ).

    CLEAR struc2-itab.
    struc2 = CORRESPONDING #( struc1 ).
    out->write( struc2-itab ).

    CLEAR struc2-itab.
    struc2 = CORRESPONDING #( DEEP struc1 ).
    out->write( struc2-itab ).

    CLEAR struc2-itab.
      source            = struc1
      destination       = struc2
      mapping           = VALUE cl_abap_corresponding=>mapping_table(  )
      )->execute( EXPORTING source      = struc1
                  CHANGING  destination = struc2 ).
    out->write( struc2-itab ).

    out->display( ).


The example compares the options for component-by-component assignments of structures with tabular components.

  • The statement MOVE-CORRESPONDING can be executed both with and without the addition EXPANDING NESTED TABLES. Depending on the option chosen, the tabular component is assigned in full or by component (using matching names).
  • The operator CORRESPONDING can be executed both with and without the addition DEEP. Depending on the option chosen, the tabular component is assigned in full or by component (using matching names).