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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Assignments →  Assigning Structure Components →  Assigning Components: Examples 

CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING for Simple Structures

This example demonstrates the system class CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING for simple structures.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

      BEGIN OF names,
        n1 TYPE c LENGTH 2,
        n2 TYPE c LENGTH 2,
        n3 TYPE c LENGTH 2,
      END OF names.

      BEGIN OF struct1,
        a1 TYPE string VALUE 'a1',
        a2 TYPE string VALUE 'a2',
        a3 TYPE string VALUE 'a3',
      END OF struct1,
      BEGIN OF struct2,
        b1 TYPE string VALUE 'b1',
        b2 TYPE string VALUE 'b2',
        b3 TYPE string VALUE 'b3',
      END OF struct2.

    DATA(src) = VALUE names( n1 = 'a1' n2 = 'a2' n3 = 'a3').
    DATA(dst) = VALUE names( n1 = 'b3' n2 = 'b2' n3 = 'b1').

      )->add_field( CHANGING field = src-n1
      )->add_field( CHANGING field = dst-n1
      )->add_field( CHANGING field = src-n2
      )->add_field( CHANGING field = dst-n2
      )->add_field( CHANGING field = src-n3
      )->add_field( CHANGING field = dst-n3
      )->request( ).

        DATA(mapper) =
            source      = struct1
            destination = struct2
            mapping     = VALUE cl_abap_corresponding=>mapping_table(
              ( level = 0 kind = 1 srcname = src-n1 dstname = dst-n1 )
              ( level = 0 kind = 1 srcname = src-n2 dstname = dst-n2 )
              ( level = 0 kind = 1 srcname = src-n3 dstname = dst-n3 )
            ) ).

        mapper->execute( EXPORTING source      = struct1
                         CHANGING  destination = struct2 ).
      CATCH cx_corr_dyn_error INTO DATA(exc).
        cl_demo_output=>display( exc->get_text( ) ).

    cl_demo_output=>display( struct2 ).


The components of the structure struct1 are assigned to the structure struct2 using the system class CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING. User input can specify which components are mapped to each other.