ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP − Reference → Processing Internal Data → Assignments → Assigning Structure Components → CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING - System Class
The methods CREATE_USING and EXECUTE_USING of the system class CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING can be used to assign components between internal tables with a dynamically specified mapping rule. The source table is used as a lookup table.
The factory method CREATE_USING is used to create a mapping object:
DATA(mapper) = cl_abap_corresponding=>create_using( destination = itab
using = lookup_tab
mapping = mapping_tab ).
Internal tables itab
and lookup_table
, with the
table types to which the assignment applies, must be passed to the parameters destination
and using
. An internal table of the type CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING=>MAPPING_TABLE,
containing the mapping rule, must be passed to the parameter mapping
. The mapping table has the same components as the methods for
simple assignments with the following special semantics:
- CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING=>USING_KEY (4), the table key of the lookup table used for the evaluation is specified in the component SRCNAME in this row. The table must contain a row like this.
- CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING=>MAPPING_USING_COMPONENT (5), the name of a column of the lookup table in SRCNAME is associated with the name of a column of the target table in DSTNAME in a row like this. All key fields of the table key used must be covered by a row like this.
The method EXECUTE_USING of a mapping object can be used to perform any number of assignments between
tables lookup_src
and dst
whose data type matches
the source type or target type lookup_tab
or itab
specified when the object was created:
mapper->execute_using( EXPORTING using = lookup_src
CHANGING destination = dst ).
For each row in dst
, a row is found in the lookup table lookup_src
that matches this row in accordance with the relationship defined using the mapping type CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING=>MAPPING_USING_COMPONENT
in the mapping table. If the key is not unique, the first row found is used. If no row like this is
found, the row from dst
remains unchanged. If a row like this is found in
, it is assigned to the row from dst
in accordance with the rules of MOVE-CORRESPONDING
for structures using the addition EXPANDING NESTED TABLES
, with the following exception. The components used for the search are not assigned by default. The rows in the mapping table with mapping types for
simple assignments can be used to override
the default assignment of identically named components and the default exclusion of the components used
for the search. It is not possible to specify the same table for dst
and lookup_src
; if specified, the runtime error CORRESPONDING_SELF occurs.
Other versions:
7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
- The methods CREATE_USING and EXECUTE_USING of the system class CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING produce an assignment similar to the statement
dst = CORRESPONDING #( dst FROM lookup_tab KEY key_name ... ).
- In the mapping table, the columns of the target table
are part of the column DSTNAME, regardless of the mapping type, and the columns of the lookup table are part of the column SRCNAME. In theCORRESPONDING
operator, however, the arrangement of the operands afterUSING
is different from the arrangement afterMAPPING
The example displays the implementation of an example for component operator
with lookup table to class CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING.
BEGIN OF line,
value TYPE i,
comment TYPE string,
END OF line,
DATA(itab1) = VALUE itab1( FOR i = 1 UNTIL i >= 10 ( value = i ) ).
DATA(itab2) = VALUE itab2( ( value = 2 comment = `...` )
( value = 3 comment = `...` )
( value = 5 comment = `...` )
( value = 8 comment = `...` ) ).
DATA(mapping_tab) = VALUE cl_abap_corresponding=>mapping_table(
( level = 0 kind = 4 srcname = 'PRIMARY_KEY' )
( level = 0 kind = 5 srcname = 'VALUE' dstname = 'VALUE' ) ).
destination = itab1
using = itab2
mapping = mapping_tab
)->execute_using( EXPORTING using = itab2
CHANGING destination = itab1 ).
cl_demo_output=>display( itab1 ).