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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Assignments →  Assigning Structure Components →  CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING - System Class 

CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING - Assignment of Values

The method CREATE_WITH_VALUE of the system class CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING has essentially the same function as the method CREATE. Additionally, the values of any data objects can be assigned to the components of the target structure or target table.

The factory method CREATE_WITH_VALUE is used to create a mapping object:

DATA(mapper) =
  cl_abap_corresponding=>create_with_value( source                = struct|itab
                                            destination           = struct|itab
                                            mapping               = mapping_tab
                                            discarding_duplicates = flag ).

For the parameters source and destination, the same applies as to the method CREATE. An internal table of the type CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING=>MAPPING_TABLE_VALUE, containing the mapping rule, must be passed to the parameter mapping. This mapping table has the same components, with the same meaning, as a mapping table of type CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING=>MAPPING_TABLE, with an additional column and further values for the column KIND:

In this column, a reference to a suitable data object can be specified, whose value is assigned to the component of the target structure that is specified in DSTNAME.
  • KIND
The additional values for the mapping type are:
  • CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING=>MAPPING_VALUE (16), the value specified in VALUE is always assigned. The column SRCNAME must be initial
  • CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING=>MAPPING_DEFAULT_VALUE (32), the value specified in VALUE is only assigned if the component specified in the column SRCNAME is initial. The component name in SRCNAME must exist in the source structure.

A mapping object created with CREATE_WITH_VALUE is used like a mapping object created with CREATE with the method EXECUTE.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


The component b2 is given the value xxx and the component b3 is given the value yyy. The components b1 and b4 are given the values of the associated components a1 and a4 of the source structure.

  BEGIN OF struct1, 
    a1 TYPE string VALUE 'a1', 
    a2 TYPE string VALUE 'a2', 
    a3 TYPE string VALUE '  ', 
    a4 TYPE string VALUE 'a4', 
  END OF struct1, 
  BEGIN OF struct2, 
    b1 TYPE string VALUE 'b1', 
    b2 TYPE string VALUE 'b2', 
    b3 TYPE string VALUE 'b3', 
    b4 TYPE string VALUE 'b4', 
  END OF struct2. 

DATA(mapper) = 
    source            = struct1 
    destination       = struct2 
    mapping           = VALUE 
        ( level = 0 kind = 1  srcname = 'a1' dstname = 'b1' ) 
        ( level = 0 kind = 16                dstname = 'b2' 
                                            value = REF #( `xxx` ) ) 
        ( level = 0 kind = 32 srcname = 'a3' dstname = 'b3' 
                                            value = REF #( `yyy` ) ) 
        ( level = 0 kind = 32 srcname = 'a4' dstname = 'b4' 
                                            value = REF #( `zzz` ) ) 
         ) ). 

mapper->execute( EXPORTING source      = struct1 
                 CHANGING  destination = struct2 ). 

cl_demo_output=>display( struct2 ).