ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Dictionary → Classic Objects in ABAP Dictionary → Data Types → Data Elements
Semantic Attributes of Data Elements
The semantic attributes of data elements are mainly significant when they are used as types of fields on user interfaces such as dynpro (or Web Dynpro) fields . The only exceptions to this are the default component name and the flag for the change document. ABAP data objects declared with reference to a data element ignore the semantic attributes of the element.
- Short text
- Field label
- Documentation
- Supplement documentation
- Documentation status
- Object is documented
The default setting, indicating that the data element requires documentation.
- Object not used on a screen
The data element is not implemented for screen fields of dynpro fields or Web Dynpro fields and no further documentation is required.
- Object is documented by its short text.
The short text provides enough documentation.
- Documentation is currently on hold
The data element requires documentation but it does not yet exist.
- Search help
This search help is used for the input help of all dynpro fields or Web Dynpro fields defined with direct or indirect reference to the data element, unless the dynpro field is itself associated with a search help. Search helps cannot be assigned to a data element with a reference type.
- SPA/GPA parameter
Dynpro fields defined with direct or indirect reference to the data element are filled with the content of the parameter, unless the dynpro field is itself associated with an SPA/GPA parameter. A data element with a reference type cannot be associated with an SPA/GPA parameter.
- Flag for input history
- Flag for bidirectional fonts
- Writing direction
This flag can specify the writing direction of a dynpro field as "From left to right", which overwrites the direction "From right to left" specified by logons in a bidirectional font. This flag can be useful for fields with numeric texts.
- BIDI filter
This flag can be used to prevent the Unicode formatting characters that specify the writing direction of bidirectional fonts in data transports between GUI and AS ABAP from being filtered out, regardless of the global system settings. The global system setting is made in the program I18N_SET_DATAELEMENT_FLAGS.
- Default component name
- Flag for change document
- Further semantic attributes can be defined in the domain referenced by a data element.
The texts in the semantic attributes (the short text, field labels, and documentation) are, like all AS ABAP texts, passed to the translation tools.
Other versions:
7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
It is highly significant that many semantic attributes of a data element define the behavior of dynpro fields or Web Dynpro fields. For example, a data element whose documentation describes the internal attributes of a technical type is not usually suitable for use in UI fields. One example are the data elements SYST_... that define the components of the system structure SYST. The documentation of these data elements describes the corresponding system fields and must not appear on a UI. Ideally, separate data elements are created with their own semantic attributes for UIs and database tables. Any data elements not used for UI fields do not usually need semantic attributes (except for the short text and possibly documentation). Conversely, attributes such as the flag for change documents are not relevant for data elements for UIs.