ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Dictionary → Classic Objects in ABAP Dictionary → Data Types → Structures → Dictionary DDL for Structure Definitions → DEFINE STRUCTURE
DEFINE STRUCTURE - structure_annos
Other versions:
7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
@EndUserText.label : '...'
@AbapCatalog.enhancementCategory : enh_cat
Mandatory annotations for specifying structure properties in the definition of a structure using the statement DEFINE STRUCTURE in Dictionary DDL.
- In quotation marks, @EndUserText.label defines the short text of the structure in its original language.
- @AbapCatalog.enhancementCategory defines the enhancement category of the structure. The following can be specified for enh_cat:
- #NOT_CLASSIFIED - Not classified
- #NOT_EXTENSIBLE - Cannot be enhanced (extended)
- #EXTENSIBLE_CHARACTER - Can be enhanced (extended) and is character-like
- #EXTENSIBLE_CHARACTER_NUMERIC - Can be enhanced (extended) and is character-like or numeric
- #EXTENSIBLE_ANY - Can be enhanced (extended) in any way
- If specified, #NOT_CLASSIFIED is used only to display existing structures with this property. Any new or modified structures should always have an enhancement category.
- The same annotations must also be specified in the definition of a database table using DEFINE TABLE and an append structure using EXTEND TYPE.
- The syntax used to specify the properties is based on CDS annotations. There are, however, no visible associated annotation definitions.