ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP − Reference → SAP GUI User Dialogs → General Dynpros → Statements in the Dynpro Flow Logic
Table Controls
Table controls are named screen elements used to display and process table-like data on dynpros. In a table control, a maximum of 255 screen elements is summarized in a table control row, which can be repeated multiple times within the table control on the screen. The fields of a row have to be created only once as dynpro fields in the dynpro and as global data objects in the ABAP program.
Table controls provide an area on the screen for editing the displayed table control rows which offers column headers, selection of rows and columns, horizontal and vertical scrolling using scroll bars, the definition of lead columns, and persistence of the current settings (see DEMO_DYNPRO). Parts of the user actions in table controls are processed on the presentation server. Vertical scrolling, saving of settings, and changes of screen size (if the resizing properties have been set accordingly when defining the table controls) raise the event PAI.
A column of the table controls can be defined as marking column , in which the screen element is displayed like a pushbutton and handled like a checkbox (see the first column of the table control in DEMO_DYNPRO). A checked selection key sets the content of the associated dynpro field to "X"; an unchecked key sets the content to " ". The state of the selection key is transported at PAI time to a data object of the same name in the ABAP program and, at PBO time, the marker can be set using the content of the data object.
Table controls encapsulate step loops and make their standalone use obsolete. The processing of table controls in the
dynpro flow logic
is based on the step loop technique using the statement LOOP
Unlike the processing of independent step loops, the loops of the dynpro flow logic are associated using
the addition WITH CONTROL
with the table controls of the dynpros during the processing of table controls.
In the ABAP program, table controls must be declared using the statement
, with a special structure for handling of table controls being created.
Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54