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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Internal Tables →  Expressions and Functions for Internal Tables →  FOR - Table Iterations 

FOR ... IN itab

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


... FOR wa|<fs> IN itab [INDEX INTO idx] [
cond] [let_exp]  ... 


... INDEX INTO idx


This variant of an iteration expression for table iterations using FOR evaluates an internal table itab sequentially, like a row variant of a LOOP. itab is a functional operand position. As in LOOP, the order of the rows read is determined by the table category or a key specified in cond.

With cond1 you can set conditions for the evaluation. For each read row, the result is either assigned to a local work area wa1 or to a field symbol <fs>. The work area or the field symbol is declared implicitly with the row type of the internal table and bound locally to the FOR expression as a subexpression of the full constructor expression. The same applies to the namespace and visibility as to the helper fields declared in LET expressions. After the FOR expression, the work area or the field symbol can either be used in further subexpressions or to construct the result of a table comprehension or table reduction.


  • Instead of using directly specified internal tables itab, this variant of FOR expressions can also be created using mesh paths, where FOR expressions from both categories can be used together in the same constructor expression.

  • Changes to the content of the internal table specified after IN within the FOR expression can only be made using method calls. Deleting or replacing the table in full always produces a runtime error.

  • As in LOOP, there is no addition for reversing the order in which the rows are read. A conditional iteration must be used instead (see the executable example).


Constructs an internal table flights in a table iteration with FOR with the value operatorVALUE (table comprehension). The rows of the internal table merge the content of two existing internal tables scarr_tab and spfli_tab.

SELECT carrid, carrname 
       FROM scarr 
       INTO TABLE @DATA(scarr_tab). 

SELECT carrid, connid, cityfrom, cityto 
       FROM spfli 
       ORDER BY carrid, connid, cityfrom, cityto 
       INTO TABLE @DATA(spfli_tab). 

  BEGIN OF flight, 
    carrier     TYPE scarr-carrname, 
    number      TYPE spfli-connid, 
    departure   TYPE spfli-cityfrom, 
    destination TYPE spfli-cityto, 
  END OF flight, 
  flights TYPE TABLE OF flight WITH EMPTY KEY. 

DATA(flights) = 
  VALUE flights( FOR <fs> IN spfli_tab 
    ( carrier     = VALUE #( 
                      scarr_tab[ carrid = <fs>-carrid ]-carrname 
                      DEFAULT '???' ) 
      number      = <fs>-connid 
      departure   = <fs>-cityfrom 
      destination = <fs>-cityto ) ). 

cl_demo_output=>display( flights ). 

Executable Examples


... INDEX INTO idx


For each row of the associated FOR expression, this addition sets the helper variable idx to the value to which the system field sy-tabix would be set in a corresponding LOOP. The helper variable idx is declared implicitly with the type i and bound locally to the FOR expression as a subexpression of the full constructor expression. The same applies to the namespace and visibility as to the helper fields declared in LET expressions.


Constructs an internal table carriers from an existing internal table scarr_tab. The first column is provided with the row index of the existing table.

SELECT carrid, carrname 
       FROM scarr 
       INTO TABLE @DATA(scarr_tab). 

  columns LIKE LINE OF scarr_tab, 
  BEGIN OF carrier, 
    no TYPE i. 
    INCLUDE TYPE columns. 
  END OF carrier, 
  carriers TYPE TABLE OF carrier WITH EMPTY KEY. 

DATA(carriers) = 
  VALUE carriers( FOR wa IN scarr_tab INDEX INTO i 
    ( no = i carrid = wa-carrid carrname = wa-carrname ) ). 

cl_demo_output=>display( carriers ).