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SAP HANA, Cached Views

This example demonstrates ABAP SQL access to a cached view on the SAP HANA database.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

    DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new( ).
    IF cl_db_sys=>is_in_memory_db = abap_false.
        `Example can be executed on SAP HANA Database only` ).

    DATA reset TYPE abap_bool.
    cl_demo_input=>add_field( EXPORTING
                                text = 'Reset cache'
                                as_checkbox = abap_true
                                field = reset ).
    DATA minutes TYPE i VALUE 30.
    cl_demo_input=>request( EXPORTING
                              text = 'Maximal age in minutes'
                              field = minutes ).
    minutes = COND i( WHEN minutes < 1 OR minutes > 60 THEN 30
                      ELSE minutes ).

    IF reset = abap_true.
          NEW cl_sql_statement( )->execute_ddl(
            `alter view DEMOCDSCACH drop cache;` ).
        CATCH cx_sql_exception.
          NEW cl_sql_statement( )->execute_ddl(
            |alter view DEMOCDSCACH add cache retention {
               minutes } of | &&
        CATCH cx_sql_exception INTO DATA(exc).
          out->display( exc->get_text( ) ).

    DATA(extended_result) =
      NEW cl_osql_extended_result( iv_cached_view = abap_true ).
    SELECT carrid,
           MAX( fldate )   AS max_fldate ,
           MIN( price )    AS min_price,
           SUM( seatsocc ) AS sum_seatsocc
           FROM demo_cds_cached_view
           GROUP BY carrid
           INTO TABLE @DATA(result)
           EXTENDED RESULT @extended_result.
    out->write( result
      )->write_html( `<b>Extended Result</b>` ).
    IF extended_result->cview_valid( ).
       | CVIEW_MAX_AGE: {
          extended_result->cview_max_age( ) } seconds\n| &&
          extended_result->cview_last_refresh_tstmpl( )
            TIMESTAMP = ISO }\n| ).
      out->display( `Invalid result` ).


The instance DEMOCDSCACH of the CDS view DEMO_CDS_CACHED_VIEW on the SAP HANA database is designed for caching using ADBC and the SQL statement ALTER TABLE. The maximum cache lifetime cannot be specified. It is also possible to delete an existing cache.

When the CDS view is accessed using the ABAP SQL statement SELECT, the database hint %_HINTS HDB 'RESULT_CACHE' can be used to specify that the cache is accessed.

The addition EXTENDED RESULT of the INTO clause can be used to determine whether a cache is available and the cache properties are read.