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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Processing External Data →  ABAP Database Access →  ABAP SQL →  ABAP SQL - Write Accesses →  INSERT dbtab →  INSERT dbtab - source 


This example demonstrates the statement INSERT with the addition FROM SELECT.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

      FROM scarr AS s
           INNER JOIN spfli AS p ON s~carrid = p~carrid
      FIELDS s~mandt,
             SUM( p~distance ) AS sum_distance
      GROUP BY s~mandt, s~carrname, p~distid
      INTO TABLE @DATA(temp).
    INSERT demo_sumdist_agg FROM TABLE @temp.

    SELECT * FROM demo_sumdist_agg
      ORDER BY carrname, distid, sum_distance
      INTO TABLE @DATA(insert_from_table).

    DELETE FROM demo_sumdist_agg.

    INSERT demo_sumdist_agg FROM
      ( SELECT
          FROM scarr AS s
            INNER JOIN spfli AS p ON s~carrid = p~carrid
          FIELDS s~carrname,
                 SUM( p~distance ) AS sum_distance
          GROUP BY s~mandt, s~carrname, p~distid ).

    SELECT * FROM demo_sumdist_agg
      ORDER BY carrname, distid, sum_distance
      INTO TABLE @DATA(insert_from_select).

    DELETE FROM demo_sumdist_agg. "GTT

    IF insert_from_select = insert_from_table.
      cl_demo_output=>new( )->write(
        `Same data inserted by FROM TABLE and FROM SELECT:`
       )->display( insert_from_select ).


The database table DEMO_SUMDIST_AGG is filled with aggregated data from the tables SCARR and SPFLI.

  • First, a standalone SELECT statement is used to read the aggregated data into an internal table and then the statement INSERT is used to write it to the database table. This requires two database reads and the transport of the data between the database server and the AS ABAP.
  • The same SELECT statement is then used directly as a subquery in the INSERT statement. Only a single database read and no transport of data between the database server and the AS ABAP is then required.

The result of both INSERT statements is the same. DEMO_SUMDIST_AGG is a global temporary table (GTT), which means that its content must be deleted before the results are produced (since this creates an implicit database commit).