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rel_exp - Comparison Type of Byte-Like Data Objects

The following tables show the comparison types for comparisons between byte-like data types and other data types. If the type of an operand is not the same as the comparison type, it is converted to this type. The comparison rules for the comparison types determine how the comparison is performed.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Comparisons with Numeric Data Types

- xstring, x
decfloat16, decfloat34 decfloat34
f f
p p
int8 int8
i, s, b i

Length Adjustments

The comparison type p has 31 places and the number of decimal places in the operand of type p.


In conversions of byte-like data types to any numeric type except int8, all bytes are ignored except for the final four. In the case of int8, the final 8 bytes are respected.


Since the decimal places are lost in the conversion between numerical and byte-like types, the inequality comparison is true.


DATA pack TYPE pack VALUE '1234.56'. 
DATA(hex) = CONV xstring( pack ). 

IF hex <> pack. 
  cl_demo_output=>display( |{ CONV pack( hex ) } <> { pack }| ). 

Comparisons with Character-Like Data Types

- xstring x
string string string
c string c
n p p

Length Adjustments

  • When data type c is compared with x or xstring, the shorter field is adjusted to the length of the longer field after conversions from x to c or xstring to string. Blanks are used as filler on the right.

  • Lengths are not adjusted for comparisons between the data type string and x or xstring.


The comparison uses the appropriate conversion rules to convert the hexadecimal content "FF00" of hex to the string "FF00" and this string is then compared with "FFxx". The operands are not equal.

DATA hex   TYPE x LENGTH 2. 
DATA text  TYPE c LENGTH 4. 

hex  = 'FF00'. 
text = 'FFxx'. 

IF hex <> text. 
  cl_demo_output=>display( |{ hex } <> { text } | ). 

Comparisons with Byte-Like Data Types

- xstring x
xstring xstring xstring
x xstring x

Length Adjustments

  • Operands of the data type xstring with different lengths never match. If the contents of the operands match for the length of the shorter operand, the shorter operand is smaller than the longer one. Otherwise the surplus bytes in the longer field are truncated on the right, and then the content is compared.

  • In comparisons between two operands of the data type x, the shorter field is converted to the longer field, with hexadecimal 0 used as padding on the right.


Before the comparison, the appropriate conversion rules are used to convert the content of "FFxx" from text to the hexadecimal value "FF00" in the helper variable hex_helper, and this value is compared with the content of hex.

DATA hex        TYPE x LENGTH 2. 

hex  = 'FF00'. 
text = 'FFxx'. 


DATA hex_helper TYPE x LENGTH 2. 
hex_helper = text. 
IF hex = hex_helper. 
  cl_demo_output=>display( |{ hex } = { hex_helper } | ). 

Comparisons with Date Types/Time Types/Time Stamp Types

- xstring, x
d, t i
utclong -


A hexadecimal number that is the result of the conversion of a valid date is equal to this date.

DATA(hex) = CONV xstring( sy-datlo ). 

ASSERT hex = sy-datlo. 
cl_demo_output=>display( |{ sy-datlo } { hex }| ).