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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Internal Tables →  Processing Statements for Internal Tables →  LOOP AT itab →  LOOP AT itab - GROUP BY →  Examples of Grouping with LOOP 

Internal tables, Introduction to LOOP AT GROUP BY

The example is a step-by-step introduction to grouping with LOOP AT GROUP BY.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

    DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new( ).

      wa      TYPE spfli,
      member  TYPE spfli,

    SELECT *
           FROM spfli
           INTO TABLE @DATA(spfli_tab).

    out->begin_section( `Representative Binding` ).

     `Grouping by one column` ).
    LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                      GROUP BY wa-carrid.
      out->write( wa-carrid ).

     `Members of one column groups` ).
    LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                      GROUP BY wa-carrid.
      CLEAR members.
      LOOP AT GROUP wa INTO member.
        members = VALUE #( BASE members ( member ) ).
      out->write( members ).

     `Grouping by two columns` ).
    LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                      GROUP BY ( key1 = wa-carrid key2 = wa-airpfrom ).
      out->write( |{ wa-carrid } { wa-airpfrom }| ).

     `Members of two column groups` ).
    LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                      GROUP BY ( key1 = wa-carrid key2 = wa-airpfrom ).
      CLEAR members.
      LOOP AT GROUP wa INTO member.
        members = VALUE #( BASE members ( member ) ).
      out->write( members ).

    out->end_section( )->next_section( `Group Key Binding` ).

     `Grouping by one column` ).
    LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                      GROUP BY wa-carrid
                      INTO DATA(key).
      out->write( key ).

     `Members of one column groups` ).
    LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                      GROUP BY wa-carrid
                      INTO key.
      CLEAR members.
      LOOP AT GROUP key INTO member.
        members = VALUE #( BASE members ( member ) ).
      out->write( members ).

     `Grouping by two columns` ).
    LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                      GROUP BY ( key1 = wa-carrid key2 = wa-airpfrom )
                      INTO DATA(keys).
      out->write( keys ).

     `Members of two column groups` ).
    LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                      GROUP BY ( key1 = wa-carrid key2 = wa-airpfrom )
                      INTO keys.
      CLEAR members.
      LOOP AT GROUP keys INTO member.
        members = VALUE #( BASE members ( member ) ).
      out->write( members ).

     `Two column groups without members` ).
    LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                      GROUP BY ( key1 = wa-carrid key2 = wa-airpfrom
                                index = GROUP INDEX size = GROUP SIZE )
                      WITHOUT MEMBERS
                      INTO DATA(keysplus).
      out->write( keysplus ).

    out->display( ).


An internal table spfli_tab is filled with data from the database table SPFLI. The program shows step by step how it can be grouped using LOOP AT GROUP BY:

  • Grouping by One Column
The simplest form of grouping is by one column, without explicitly specifying the output behavior of the group loop:
LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                  GROUP BY wa-carrid.
       ... wa-carrid ...
Within the loop, there is access to the work area wa, in particular to the component wa-carrid that is used for grouping. The work area wa contains the first row of each group and represents the group in the loop. This is called a representative binding.
To access the members of a group, a member group can be inserted into the group loop:
LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                  GROUP BY wa-carrid.
    ... member-... ...
The member loop is executed using the group represented by wa and its members are assigned to member, and are available in the member loop.
  • Grouping by More Than One Column
To group by more than just one criterion, a structured group key is defined, as follows, where the grouping criteria in the simplest case are columns of the internal table:
LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                  GROUP BY ( key1 = wa-carrid key2 = wa-airpfrom ).
  ... wa-carrid ... wa-airpfrom ...
This is also a representative binding, in which the work area wa is reused in the group loop to access the group key.
To access the members of the groups, the exact same member loop can be inserted as when grouping by one column.
  • Group Key Binding when Grouping by One Column
By explicitly specifying an output area for the group key, a group key binding can be defined explicitly instead of the representative binding, in which the output area of the group loop is reused:
LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                  GROUP BY wa-carrid
                  INTO DATA(key).
  ... key ...
The difference from the example with the representative binding is the INTO addition after GROUP BY. Instead of reusing wa, an elementary data object key is used here to represent the group. This can be generated inline. The additions GROUP SIZE, GROUP INDEX, and WITHOUT MEMBERS can only be used in the group key binding, which gives it more functions than the representative binding. If these functions are not required, the representative binding can be used. The group key binding can also be used to make the use of the group key in the loop more explicit.
Inserting a member loop works in the same way as in the representative binding, the difference being that a group by now addressed by key instead of wa.
LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                  GROUP BY wa-carrid
                  INTO key.
  LOOP AT GROUP key INTO member.
    ... members ...
  • Group Key Binding when Grouping by More Than One Column
Finally, the group key binding for structured group keys:
LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                  GROUP BY ( key1 = wa-carrid key2 = wa-airpfrom )
                  INTO DATA(key).
  ... key-key1 ... key-key2 ...
Here, key is a structure with the components key1 and key2. A member loop can be inserted in exactly the same way as when grouping by one column.
If you are not interested in the group members, you can use the addition NO MEMBERS to save time and memory.
LOOP AT spfli_tab INTO wa
                  GROUP BY ( key1 = wa-carrid key2 = wa-airpfrom
                             index = GROUP INDEX size = GROUP SIZE )
                  WITHOUT MEMBERS
                  INTO DATA(key).
  ... key-key1 ... key-key2 ... key-index ... key-size ...
It is not possible to use a member loop here. Instead, the group key was enriched with optional components for further information using GROUP INDEX GROUP SIZE.