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DELETE mesh_path

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


DELETE { TABLE mesh_path table_key } 
     | { mesh_path }.


1. DELETE TABLE mesh_path table_key.

2. DELETE mesh_path.


Deletes a single row or multiple rows from the last path node of a mesh path mesh_path.


Note that the addition TABLE (as in DELETE) is highly significant for directly specified internal tables and distinguishes different variants of statements from each other.

Variant 1

DELETE TABLE mesh_path table_key.


Deletes precisely one row from the follow-on node of an initial mesh association. In this variant, no path extensions can be specified and the square brackets of the initial mesh association cannot contain any additional conditions. The row to be modified is determined using the table key:

  • If the ON condition of the mesh association covers all key fields of the table key it uses, the deleted row is determined using the result of the mesh path. Here, only those fields of the ON condition are respected that are also key fields.
  • If the ON condition of the mesh association does not cover the key fields of the table key it uses, the missing key fields must be specified in the addition table_key and these are combined with the result of the mesh path. The same can be specified for table_key as in the statement DELETE TABLE itab with a directly specified internal table:
  • If WITH TABLE KEY is used, all key fields not covered by the ON condition must be specified. No key fields can be specified that are already covered by the ON condition. Furthermore, all fields of the follow-on node used in the ON condition must exist in the table key used by the mesh association.
  • Only those components are taken from a work area specified using FROM wa that match the non-covered key fields. All other components are ignored. The work area wa must be compatible with the row type of the last path node.
If a table key is specified in table_key using keyname COMPONENTS or USING keyname, this key overrides any USING KEYs specified in the definition of the mesh association. The row is deleted with respect to this table key and its key fields must be covered in full.

The row is deleted in accordance with the rules of DELETE. If the follow-on node contains multiple rows that match the specified key, the first row found is deleted. If the row to be deleted is not found, nothing is deleted.

The return code sy-subrc is set in the same way as in the corresponding statement DELETE itab.


  • If the ON condition covers all key fields, the addition WITH TABLE KEY cannot be specified. The addition FROM wa can be specified, but is ignored.

  • If no explicit table key is specified in the definition of the ON condition and in the statement DELETE TABLE mesh_path, the row is deleted with respect to the primary table key.

  • Columns of the follow-on node that are specified in the ON condition but are not part of the table key used are either forbidden or ignored in this variant. This means that the row to be deleted cannot be determined beyond the bounds of the table key.

Executable Example

Deleting Single Rows in Mesh Paths

Variant 2

DELETE mesh_path.


Deletes multiple rows from the last path node of a mesh path mesh_path. Deletes all rows from the last path node described by the result of the mesh path. An additional condition can be specified in the square brackets [ ... ] of each mesh association of the mesh path using the additions USING KEY and WHERE log_exp.

Executable Example

Deleting Multiple Rows in Mesh Paths


Deleting Single Rows in Mesh Paths

Deleting Multiple Rows in Mesh Paths