ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP − Reference → Declarations → Declaration Statements → Classes and Interfaces → Components in Classes and Interfaces
Methods are declared using the statements
for instance methods
for static methods
that only possible in the declaration part of classes and interfaces.
Methods determine the behavior of a class.
Instance methods are declared by the statement METHODS
Static methods are declared
by the statement CLASS-METHODS
. The declaration defines the interface of a method. For special tasks there are different types of methods:
- General instance methods and static methods
- Functional instance methods and static methods
The following methods are also available:
- Test methods of ABAP Unit, which can only be declared as instance methods.
- AMDP methods, which are implemented in a database-specific language and not in ABAP.
Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54