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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Creating Objects and Values →  NEW - Instance Operator 

NEW - Internal Tables

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


... NEW dtype|#( [let_exp] 
                 [BASE itab]
                 [FOR for_exp1
                  FOR for_exp2
                  ... ]
                 ( line_spec1 )
                 ( line_spec2 )
                   ... ) ...


1. ... BASE itab
2. ... FOR for_exp


If dtype is a tabular data type or # stands for a type like this, the table rows of the constructed table are created as follows:

  • Firstly, an optional LET expression let_exp can be specified to define local auxiliary fields whose values can be used to construct the table rows.
  • An optional start value for the content can be specified for the content of the internal table after BASE (see below).
  • The table rows are then constructed in one or more sets of internal parentheses by specifying line_spec. Each set of inner parentheses constructs one or more rows in accordance with the information in line_spec and inserts them into the new internal table in accordance with the rules for the statement INSERT ... INTO TABLE. The object is inserted in the order of the parentheses.

The constructed rows must meet the requirements of the statement INSERT for inserting work areas using table keys and therefore be compatible with the row type. There is one exception to this: When constructing a standard table, where the rows are only appended, the value can be shorter than the row length (for row types c and x), in which case it is padded on the right with blanks or hexadecimal 0.


  • When a constructor expression is assigned to a reference variable using NEW, the original reference is made available in the entire expression in the target variable. The target variable is not overwritten until the expression is closed. In the case of the value operator VALUE, however, the target variable can only be assigned to a helper variable using LET and is then no longer available.

  • The operand type for line_spec in the inner parentheses is the row type of the table type specified using dtype or #, which means it is always uniquely identifiable. Constructor expressions in this place can therefore always derive the required data type using #.


Constructs an anonymous internal table with a structured row type with substructures and tabular components.

TYPES: BEGIN OF t_struct1, 
         col1 TYPE i, 
         col2 TYPE i, 
       END OF t_struct1, 
       BEGIN OF t_struct2, 
         col1 TYPE i, 
         col2 TYPE t_struct1, 
         col3 TYPE TABLE OF t_struct1 WITH EMPTY KEY, 
       END OF t_struct2, 
       t_itab TYPE TABLE OF t_struct2 WITH EMPTY KEY. 

DATA dref TYPE REF TO data. 

dref = NEW t_itab( ( col1 = 1 
                     col2-col1 = 1 
                     col2-col2 = 2 
                     col3 = VALUE #( ( col1 = 1 col2 = 2 ) 
                                    ( col1 = 3 col2 = 4 ) ) ) 
                   ( col1 = 2 
                     col2-col1 = 2 
                     col2-col2 = 4 
                     col3 = VALUE #( ( col1 = 2 col2 = 4 ) 
                                    ( col1 = 6 col2 = 8 ) ) ) ).


See also the examples for the value operator VALUE.

Addition 1

... BASE itab


An addition, BASE, followed by an internal table, itab, can be specified in front of the lines that you want to insert. This is a functional operand position. The row type of itab must be convertible to the row type of the return value. If BASE is specified, the content of itab is assigned to the return value before the individual rows are inserted. If the character # is specified for the type of the return value and the type cannot be determined from the operand position of the constructor expression, the type of itab is used for this expression (if identifiable).


Constructs three anonymous internal tables with an elementary row type. The first table is filled with three rows. The second row is initial. The second and third tables are filled with the rows of the first table and three further rows. Using BASE and LINES OF here has the same effect.


DATA(dref1) = NEW t_itab( ( 1 ) (  ) ( 3 ) ). 

DATA(dref2) = NEW t_itab( BASE dref1->* 
                         (   ) ( 5 ) (  ) ). 

DATA(dref3) = NEW t_itab( ( LINES OF dref1->* ) 
                         (   ) ( 5 ) (  ) ). 

cl_demo_output=>write(   dref1->* ). 
cl_demo_output=>write(   dref2->* ). 
cl_demo_output=>display( dref3->* ). 

Addition 2

... FOR for_exp


If one or more iteration expressions are specified consecutively using FOR, this means that the rows constructed in line_spec for every iteration of the last FOR expression are inserted into the target table. When constructing table rows in line_spec, the visible local work areas and field symbols of the iteration expressions can be used to construct table rows.

  • If table iterations are used, the rows of existing internal tables are evaluated. These are known as table comprehensions, since in this case new table rows can be constructed from the rows of existing internal tables.


  • The term "table comprehension" is derived from similar concepts used in many other languages, where it is also known as "list comprehension".


Constructs an anonymous internal table with an elementary row type and fills it with square numbers using an iteration expression.


DATA(dref) = NEW t_itab( FOR i = 1 UNTIL i > 10 
                         ( ipow( base = i exp = 2 ) ) ). 

cl_demo_output=>display( dref->* ). 

Executable Examples

Examples of Table Comprehensions


NEW - line_spec