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ABAP SQL in Release 7.40, SP02

1. Optimized table buffering

2. Result type of the aggregate function COUNT( * )

3. Decimal places in the INTO clause

4. Conditions in outer joins

5. Enhancements for sorting by primary key

6. Handling strings

7. Field symbols and data reference variables in SELECT loops

8. Specifying dynamic tokens

9. Stricter checks for syntax rules

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Modification 1

Optimized Table Buffering

  • Table buffering was optimized so that, if the database table is specified statically, its secondary indexes are also respected when data is read from the table buffer (in cases where generic buffering or full buffering is activated).
  • If SELECT is used with FOR ALL ENTRIES, table buffering is now also used when accessing tables with single record buffering and is no longer bypassed.

Modification 2

Result Type of the Aggregate Function COUNT( * )

In cases where the aggregate function COUNT( * ) or COUNT(*) is specified as the only element in the SELECT list and without a GROUP BY clause, INT8 was added to the internal data type of the result. If the value range is to be used in full, a target object with the data type p or decfloat34 must be used after INTO. The system field sy-dbcnt is set to the value -1 in events outside its value range.

Modification 3

Decimal Places in the INTO Clause

The assignment rules of the INTO clause of the statement SELECT were modified so that surplus decimal places are now always cut off when numbers are assigned to target fields with too few decimal places. Until now, it was possible to round the numbers (depending on the database and table buffering).

Modification 4

Conditions in Outer Joins

The restriction in previous versions, which meant that only equality comparisons (=, EQ) were possible in the ON condition of outer joins, no longer applies.

Modification 5

Enhancements for Sorting by Primary Key

If the addition PRIMARY KEY is used after ORDER BY, the following restrictions no longer apply:

  • If individual columns are specified in the SELECT list, it is not necessary to specify the client column explicitly if the addition DISTINCT is used.
  • A view can also be specified statically after FROM, provided that the view contains fewer key fields than view fields.
  • The addition PRIMARY KEY can now also be specified dynamically.

Modification 6

Handling Strings

The following (previously undocumented) restrictions were lifted:

  • Before Release 7.40 SP02, it was not possible to use DISTINCT * to read database tables containing short strings of type SSTRING.
  • Before Release 7.40, SP02, it was not possible to access database tables with short or long strings of the data types SSTRING, STRING, or RAWSTRING using * in the SELECT list in cases where a join is specified dynamically after FROM.

Modification 7

Field Symbols and Data Reference Variables in SELECT Loops

When field symbols or dereferenced reference variables are specified for the work area, individual data objects, or internal tables in a SELECT loop after INTO, the data object that is the target of a field symbol or reference variable is identified precisely once, from Release 7.40, SP02, when the loop is entered. This data object is used as a target area in each loop pass. Any modifications to the assignment of a field symbol or reference variable within the loop are ignored. From Release 7.40, SP02, the assignment of a field symbol or reference variable is determined again for each loop pass and the current data object is used as the target area.

Modification 8

Specifying Dynamic Tokens

With Release 7.40 SP02 and higher, internal tables, which are specified as dynamic tokens of statement SELECT, can also have secondary keys.

Modification 9

Stricter Checks on Syntax Rules

In Release 7.40 SP02, a new SQL parser was introduced for ABAP SQL. These parser performs stricter checks on some rules than the old parser. More specifically, the same parser is now used for statically specified ABAP SQL and for the content of dynamic tokens. In Release 7.40, SP02, this parser will initially only be used for the statement SELECT. One consequence of this is that any following syntax constructs that have always contained errors now produce syntax errors or runtime errors.

  • General corrections
  • Before Release 7.40, SP02, the operator IN range_tab of a WHERE condition was not always checked statically to see whether the columns LOW and HIGH of the ranges table range_tab could be converted to the data type of the database and non-convertible columns did not produce a runtime error in cases where the ranges table was empty. Now, a static check is always made a non-convertible columns always raise an exception.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, syntax errors for:

    DATA: range_tab TYPE RANGE OF t,
          itab TYPE TABLE OF sflight.

    SELECT *
           FROM sflight
           INTO TABLE itab
           WHERE fldate IN range_tab.
  • Before Release 7.40, SP02, multiple NOT operators could be placed consecutively in a WHERE condition. An even or odd number of consecutive NOTs is the same as no NOTs or a single NOT, which means that surplus NOTs can now no longer be specified.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, syntax errors for:

           FROM spfli
           INTO wa WHERE
           NOT NOT carrid = 'LH'.
  • Before Release 7.40 SP02, it was possible to read the client column when using alias names defined with AS or joins in ON and WHERE conditions, without disabling implicit client handling using CLIENT SPECIFIED. In this case, the results set is empty whenever the explicitly specified client is not the current client. From Release 7.40 SP02, this situation produces a syntax check warning.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, syntax warnings for:

    SELECT *
           FROM scarr AS carriers
           INTO TABLE itab
           WHERE carriers~mandt = '...'.


    SELECT *
           FROM scarr
           INNER JOIN spfli
           on scarr~mandt = spfli~mandt
           WHERE scarr~mandt = '...'.
  • The addition GROUP BY cannot be specified for pooled tables and cluster tables. Before Release 7.40 SP02, it was possible to specify a column dynamically after GROUP BY; however this always raised an exception. From Release 7.40 SP02, a dynamically specified GROUP BY clause in pooled tables and cluster tables produces a syntax warning; this warning will become a syntax error in a future SP.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, a syntax warning or error for:

    SELECT id object langu typ
           FROM doktl
           INTO TABLE itab
  • Corrections for Dynamic Tokens
  • Before Release 7.40 SP02, a single period (.) could be specified in the dynamic tokens of any ABAP SQL statements. This period was ignored when the token was evaluated at runtime. From Release 7.40 SP02, a period like this raises an exception of the class CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SYNTAX.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, exception for:

    SELECT *
           FROM (`SPFLI .`)
           INTO TABLE itab
           WHERE (`. CARRID = 'LH'`).
  • Before Release 7.40, SP02, an alias name could be given more than once in cases where columns were specified dynamically in the SELECT list of the columns after SELECT using column_syntax, even though this is not allowed statically. From Release 7.40 SP02, this raises an exception of the class CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SEMANTICS.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, exception for:

    SELECT SINGLE ('carrid AS col carrname AS col')
           FROM scarr
           WHERE carrid = 'LH'.
  • Before Release 7.40, SP02 the statically compulsory addition DISTINCT could be omitted when the aggregate function COUNT( DISTINCT col ) was specified dynamically and all rows of the results set were counted. From Release 7.40 SP02, the omission of DISTINCT raises an exception of the class CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SYNTAX.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, exception for:

    SELECT ('COUNT( carrid )')
           FROM spfli
           INTO count.
  • In previous releases (before 7.40 SP02), a NOT could be mistakenly written directly in front of a relational operator in a dynamic WHERE condition (which is not possible in the static case). With Release 7.40 SP02 and higher, this raises an exception of class CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SYNTAX.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, exception for:

           FROM spfli
           INTO wa
           WHERE (`carrid NOT = 'LH'`).
  • Before Release 7.40, SP02 it was possible to use (incorrectly) a dynamic FROM clause combined with the addition ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY to access projection views containing the same number of key fields and view fields, which is not possible in static cases. From Release 7.40, SP02, this raises the exception CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SYNTAX.


    From Release 7.40, SP02, an exception is raised when projection_view has the same number of key fields and view fields.

    DATA itab TYPE TABLE OF projection_view.
    SELECT *
           FROM ('KELLERH_VIEW')
           INTO TABLE itab
  • Corrections for the aggregate function count( * )
  • As in all aggregate functions, the target field must be chosen appropriately in the case of count( * ) or count(*) and no values must be lost when the result is assigned. This was not checked before Release 7.40 SP02, and assignments were made in accordance with the conversions rules. This did not always raise an exception when values were lost. From Release 7.40 SP02, the target field must be numeric and a loss of values always produces an exception.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, a syntax warning and exception (if the value does not fit in the target field) for

    DATA cnt TYPE c LENGTH 1.

           FROM scarr
           INTO cnt.
  • When individual columns or aggregate expressions are specified in the SELECT list, an explicit work area must usually be specified and the obsolete short form is not possible. The only exception here is when count( * ) is used to specify "nothing", if no alias name and no GROUP BY clause was specified. Before Release 7.40 SP02, the short form using count( * ), specified together with an alias name or a GROUP BY clause, produced a runtime error. From Release 7.40 SP02, this also produces a syntax error if known statically.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, syntax errors for:

    TABLES scarr.

    SELECT COUNT( * ) AS cnt
           FROM scarr.

    SELECT count( * )
           FROM scarr
           GROUP BY carrid.
  • Corrections when using the built-in types LCHR and LRAW from ABAP Dictionary.
  • Columns of the types LCHR and LRAW cannot be used in relational expressions of the SQL conditions. Before Release 7.40 SP02, this produced a runtime error. From Release 7.40 SP02, this also produces a syntax error if known statically.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, syntax errors for:

           FROM  indx
           INTO wa
           WHERE clustd = '...'.
  • Columns of the types LCHR and LRAW cannot be read using SELECT if the addition DISTINCT is specified. Before Release 7.40 SP02, this produced a runtime error. From Release 7.40 SP02, this also produces a syntax error if known statically.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, syntax errors for:

           FROM  indx
           INTO TABLE itab.
  • Columns of the types LCHR and LRAW can be read using SELECT only if they are read together with the associated length fields. Before Release 7.40 SP02, columns of this type read without length fields produced a syntax warning. From Release 7.40 SP02, this situation always produces a runtime error.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, runtime errors for:

    SELECT clustd
           FROM  indx
           INTO TABLE itab.
  • Corrections for FOR ALL ENTRIES
  • If FOR ALL ENTRIES is used in front of a WHERE condition of a SELECT statement, a column of the internal table must be specified in at least one comparison (the comparison can also be specified in a subquery). Before Release 7.40 SP02, the subquery was not checked. From Release 7.40 SP02, the comparison must be specified (statically or dynamically) even if a subquery is specified.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, syntax errors for:

    SELECT carrid connid fldate
           FROM sflight
           FOR ALL ENTRIES IN itab
           WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sflight ).
  • When FOR ALL ENTRIES is used in front of a WHERE condition of a SELECT statement, no database fields of the built-in types STRING and RAWSTRING plus LCHR and LRAW can occur in the SELECT list, since the implicit addition DISTINCT cannot be passed to the database system in this case. From Release 7.40, SP02, a syntax warning occurs in the extended program check. This warning can be hidden by a pragma.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, pragma required for:

    SELECT *
          FROM snwd_bpa
          INTO TABLE bupas
          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN orders
          WHERE node_key = orders-buyer_guid
  • If FOR ALL ENTRIES is used in front of a WHERE condition of a SELECT statement, no LOB handles can be created in the target area, since this produces an undefined result. Before Release 7.40 SP02, this was not identified correctly for locators, either statically or at runtime. From Release 7.40 SP02, this produces a syntax error or raises an exception.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, syntax errors for:

    SELECT picture
           FROM demo_blob_table
           INTO wa-picture
           FOR ALL ENTRIES IN name_tab
           WHERE name = name_tab-table_line.
  • The addition FOR ALL ENTRIES should not be used with the addition GROUP BY. The addition GROUP BY is ignored if used together with FOR ALL ENTRIES. From Release 7.40 SP02, this situation produces a syntax check warning.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, syntax warning for:

           FROM spfli
           INTO cnt
           FOR ALL ENTRIES IN carriers
           WHERE carrid = carriers-table_line
           GROUP BY carrid.
  • Corrections for ORDER BY
  • Before Release 7.40 SP02, it was possible to specify any text between a dynamically specified column after ORDER BY and the closing period of a SELECT statement and this text was ignored when the statement was executed. Before Release 7.40 SP02, this text produced a syntax warning; from Release 7.40 SP02, it produces a syntax error..


    From Release 7.40 SP02, syntax warning for:

    SELECT *
           FROM scarr
           INTO TABLE itab
           ORDER BY (`CARRID`) carrname and so on.
  • If the addition ORDER BY is specified together with FOR ALL ENTRIES, all columns of the primary key must be read; if not, the result is undefined. From Release 7.40 SP02, a syntax warning is produced in this case if known statically; at runtime, an exception is always raised.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, a syntax warning or exception for:

    SELECT carrid connid
           FROM sflight
           FOR ALL ENTRIES IN itab
           WHERE carrid = itab-carrid AND
                 connid = itab-connid
  • If aggregate functions are specified after SELECT, all columns that are specified after ORDER BY and that do not have an alias name for an aggregation function must also be specified after SELECT and after GROUP BY. Before Release 7.40 SP02, the checks on this situation at runtime were not strict enough and the behavior was platform-dependent. From Release 7.40 SP02, a violation of this rule always raises an exception of the class CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SEMANTICS.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, an exception from the class CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SEMANTICS for:

           FROM spfli
           INTO (cnt)
           GROUP BY ('CARRID')
           ORDER BY ('CARRID').
  • An alias name in the SELECT list cannot be the name of a column to which no alias name is assigned. Before Release 7.40 SP02, the use of a name of this type after ORDER BY raised an exception. From Release 7.40 SP02, this also produces a syntax error if known statically.


    From Release 7.40 SP02, syntax errors for:

    SELECT carrid connid AS carrid
           FROM spfli
           INTO TABLE itab
           ORDER BY carrid.