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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Program Flow Logic →  Iteration Expressions →  REDUCE - Reduction Operator 

Reduce Operator, Type Inference

This example demonstrates a type inference for the conversion operator REDUCE.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

    DATA txt TYPE c LENGTH 20.
    DATA num TYPE i.

    demo=>meth1( p = REDUCE #( INIT r1 = txt
                               FOR i = 1
                               UNTIL i > 9
                               NEXT r1 = r1 && 'x' ) ).
    demo=>meth1( p = REDUCE #( INIT r2 = num
                               FOR i = 1
                               UNTIL i > 9
                               NEXT r2 = r2 + 1 ) ).
    cl_demo_output=>line( ).

    demo=>meth2( p = REDUCE #( INIT r1 = txt
                               FOR i = 1
                               UNTIL i > 9
                               NEXT r1 = r1 && 'x' ) ).
    "demo=>meth2( p = REDUCE #( INIT r2 = num
    "                           FOR i = 1
    "                           UNTIL i > 9
    "                          NEXT r2 = r2 + 1 ) ). "not possible
    cl_demo_output=>line( ).

    demo=>meth3( p = REDUCE #( INIT r1 = txt
                               FOR i = 1
                               UNTIL i > 9
                               NEXT r1 = r1 && 'x' ) ).
    demo=>meth3( p = REDUCE #( INIT r2 = num
                               FOR i = 1
                               UNTIL i > 9
                               NEXT r2 = r2 + 1 ) ) ##type.
    cl_demo_output=>display( ).


Passes constructor expressions with the conversion operator REDUCE to differently typed formal parameters of methods. In the case of generic formal parameters, special rules apply when identifying the operand type.

  • Fully typed formal parameter
When the method meth1 is called with a fully typed formal parameter, the operand type for # is identified using this parameter and the result of the reduction is converted to c with length 10 in both calls.
  • Formal parameter typed generically with c
The operand type for # is identified from the first declaration after INIT.
  • In the first call, the type c with length 20 of the declaration after INIT matches the generic type and is used.
  • It is not possible to perform a call with the type i of the declaration after INIT, since it does not match the typing and there are no inference rules for the generic type c.
  • Formal parameter typed generically with csequence
  • In the first call, the type c with length 20 of the declaration after INIT matches the generic type and is used.
  • In the second call, the type i of the declaration after INIT does not match the generic type and the type string is used. This is indicated by a syntax check warning.