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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Assignments →  Assigning Structure Components →  Assigning Components: Examples 

Reflexive Component Assignments

This example demonstrates assignments between components of a structure.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_str1,
             a1 TYPE i,
             a2 TYPE i,
             a3 TYPE i,
             a4 TYPE i,
           END OF t_str1.

    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_str2,
             b1 TYPE i,
             b2 TYPE i,
             a1 TYPE i,
             a2 TYPE i,
           END OF t_str2.

    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_str3,
             a4 TYPE i,
             a3 TYPE i,
             a1 TYPE i,
             a2 TYPE i,
           END OF t_str3.

    DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new( ).

    out->begin_section( 'Reflexive Component Assignments' ).

    DATA(str1) = VALUE t_str1( a1 = 1 a2 = 2 a3 = 3 a4 = 4 ).
    DATA(back) = str1.
    out->write( str1 ).

    out->begin_section( 'MOVE-CORRESPONDING' ).

    FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs2> TYPE t_str2.
    ASSIGN str1 TO <fs2> CASTING.
    out->write( str1 ).

    str1 = back.
    ASSIGN str1 TO <fs2> CASTING.
    out->write( str1 ).

    str1 = back.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs3> TYPE t_str3.
    ASSIGN str1 TO <fs3> CASTING.
    out->write( str1 ).

    str1 = back.
    ASSIGN str1 TO <fs3> CASTING.
    out->write( str1 ).

    out->next_section( 'CORRESPONDING' ).

    str1 = back.
    str1 = CORRESPONDING #(
             str1 MAPPING a1 = a4 a2 = a3 a3 = a1 a4 = a2 ) ##operator.
    out->write( str1 ).

    str1 = back.
    str1 = CORRESPONDING #(
             str1 MAPPING a1 = a3 a2 = a4 a3 = a2 a4 = a1 ) ##operator.
    out->write( str1 ).

    out->next_section( 'CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING' ).

    str1 = back.
        source      = str1
        destination = str1
        mapping     = VALUE cl_abap_corresponding=>mapping_table(
          ( level = 0 kind = 1 srcname = 'a4' dstname = 'a1' )
          ( level = 0 kind = 1 srcname = 'a3' dstname = 'a2' )
          ( level = 0 kind = 1 srcname = 'a1' dstname = 'a3' )
          ( level = 0 kind = 1 srcname = 'a2' dstname = 'a4' ) )
        )->execute( EXPORTING source      = str1
                    CHANGING  destination = str1 ).
    out->write( str1 ).

    str1 = back.
        source      = str1
        destination = str1
        mapping     = VALUE cl_abap_corresponding=>mapping_table(
          ( level = 0 kind = 1 srcname = 'a3' dstname = 'a1' )
          ( level = 0 kind = 1 srcname = 'a4' dstname = 'a2' )
          ( level = 0 kind = 1 srcname = 'a2' dstname = 'a3' )
          ( level = 0 kind = 1 srcname = 'a1' dstname = 'a4' ) )
        )->execute( EXPORTING source      = str1
                    CHANGING  destination = str1 ).
    out->write( str1 ).

    out->display( ).


The example summarizes various ways of making assignments of components in the same structure:

  • There is no overlapping of source components and target components between the type t_str1 of the structure str1 and the type t_str2 of the field symbol fs2. In assignments of the structure to the field symbol that points to the structure, the content of the columns a1 and a2 is copied to the columns a3 and a4. This is because these columns have the names a1 and a2 in the field symbol. In assignments from the field symbol to the structure, however, the content of the columns a3 and a4 is copied to the columns a1 and a2.
  • Identically named components overlap between the type t_str1 of the structure str1 and the type t_str3 of the field symbol fs3. In assignments of the structure to the field symbol that points to the structure, the components are evaluated in an undefined order and the previously assigned current content of the components is used. Assignments from the field symbol to the structure produce yet another result.
If performed at all, reflexive assignments between the components of a structure using MOVE-CORRESPONDING should be free of overlaps.
  • In the case of the basic form of the constructor operator CORRESPONDING, a temporary copy of the structure is created as a target object and and assignment is made to this copy. The two mapping rules reflect the expectations of the two preceding MOVE-CORRESPONDING statements and produce the expected result.
  • The method EXECUTE of the system class CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING is called using the same mapping rules as the two preceding constructor operators CORRESPONDING. No temporary copy of the structure is created as a target objects, which means that the result is again the same as in the examples for MOVE-CORRESPONDING. In the case of dynamic mappings using CL_ABAP_CORRESPONDING, the source component and target component should be the same for reflexive assignments.