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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Data Interfaces and Communication Interfaces →  RFC - Remote Function Call →  Examples for Remote Function Call 

Implicit Logon Data in RFC

This example demonstrates how the logon data of an RFC session is set implicitly.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

      BEGIN OF logon_data,
        uname       TYPE sy-uname,
        mandt       TYPE sy-mandt,
        logon_langu TYPE sy-langu,
        langu       TYPE sy-langu,
      END OF logon_data.

    IF cl_abap_syst=>get_logon_language( ) <> 'E'.

    logon_data = VALUE #(
        uname       = sy-uname
        mandt       = sy-mandt
        logon_langu = cl_abap_syst=>get_logon_language( )
        langu       = cl_abap_syst=>get_language( ) ).
    ASSERT logon_data-langu = sy-langu.

    DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new(
      )->next_section( 'Parameters of Caller'
      )->write( logon_data ).

        uname       = logon_data-uname
        mandt       = logon_data-mandt
        logon_langu = logon_data-logon_langu
        langu       = logon_data-langu.

    out->next_section( 'Parameters of Callee'
      )->write( logon_data )->display( ).


A remote-enabled function module DEMO_RFM_LOGON_DATA is called with the destination "NONE" using the RFC interface. The logon data user name, client, and logon language of the corresponding RFC session are provided implicitly. To demonstrate that the logon language of the RFC session is set by the language of the text environment of the caller, this is set before the call with the statement SET LOCALE LANGUAGE to a language different from the logon language of the caller. In the called RFM the language of the text environment of the RFC session is also changed and is then different to the logon language there as well.

If the function module DEMO_RFM_LOGON_DATA is called remotely again, the RFC session is reused with the existing logon data. Changing the language of the text environment again in the caller would have no effect.