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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  ABAP RESTful Programming Model →  Derived Types 

Type of the Output Parameter

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


TYPES type_for_export_parameter TYPE TABLE FOR 
         FAILED [LATE]|
         MAPPED [LATE]|
         REPORTED [LATE]|
         READ RESULT

TYPES type_for_action_export_parameter TYPE TABLE FOR

         FAILED [LATE]|
         MAPPED [LATE]|
         REPORTED [LATE]


The output parameters FAILED, MAPPED, and REPORTED are structure types that contain one component for each entity of the business object:

    Provides the consumer with ID mapping information.
    The mapping information is available in the interaction phase by default. The %CID is then mapped to the real key or to the %PID. The addition LATE specifies that the mapping information is available only when saving. This is important when late numbering is used (the method adjust_numbers), during which the %PID is mapped to the real key.
    Contains information that identifies the data record when an error occurs.
    FAILED is provided during the interaction phase and contains the %CID or the %KEY to specify instances for which an operation (CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, LOCK, or READ IMPORT) has failed. FAILED with the addition LATE is provided during the save phase only and contains the %PID or the %KEY, but not the %CID.
    This parameter is used to send error messages.
    REPORTED is provided during the interaction phase and contains the %CID or the %KEY to specify instances for which an operation has failed. REPORTED LATE is provided when saving only and contains the %PID or the %KEY, but not the %CID.
    This parameter is used to return the result of the operation READ.

The type name of the output parameter (type_for_export_parameter, type_for_action_export_parameter, and ts_reported) can be specified freely.

CDS_entity_name refers to the name of the CDS entity or the alias as defined in the behavior definition for the CDS entity.

...TYPE RESPONSE FOR... are structures that contain one component for each entity of the business object.


In the following example, the data from the ABAP flight data reference scenario (or flight data scenario for short) is used. It represents a legacy business logic that can be used to create and edit flight bookings. The root entity Travel represents the business object for managing flight trips. The underlying data model and the behavior of the root entity Travel are described in ABAP BDL - Example.

        INHERITING FROM cl_abap_behavior_handler.
      tt_travel_failed      TYPE TABLE FOR FAILED      travel
      tt_travel_mapped      TYPE TABLE FOR MAPPED      travel
      tt_travel_mapped_late TYPE TABLE FOR MAPPED LATE travel
      tt_travel_reported    TYPE TABLE FOR REPORTED    travel
      tt_booking_read_out   TYPE TABLE FOR READ RESULT booking.

       TYPE TABLE FOR ACTION RESULT travel~set_status_booked.
       TYPE TABLE FOR ACTION RESULT travel~get_status.