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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Dictionary →  Built-In Functions in ABAP Dictionary →  SQL Functions →  SQL Functions for Strings 

SQL Function UPPER

This example demonstrates the SQL function UPPER in ABAP SQL and ABAP CDS.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

      query TYPE string VALUE `ERROR`,
      rows  TYPE i      VALUE 100.
    cl_demo_input=>add_field( CHANGING field = query ).
    cl_demo_input=>request(   CHANGING field = rows ).
    query = `%` && to_upper( query ) && `%`.
    rows  = COND #( WHEN rows <= 0 THEN 100 ELSE rows ).

    "UPPER in CDS view
    SELECT arbgb, msgnr, text
           FROM demo_cds_upper
           WHERE sprsl = 'E' AND
                 upper_text LIKE @query
           ORDER BY arbgb, msgnr, text
           INTO TABLE @DATA(result1)
           UP TO @rows ROWS.

    "UPPER in Open SQL
    SELECT arbgb, msgnr, text
           FROM t100
           WHERE sprsl = 'E' AND
                 upper( text ) LIKE @query
           ORDER BY arbgb, msgnr, text
           INTO TABLE @DATA(result2)
           UP TO @rows ROWS.

    ASSERT result1 = result2.

    cl_demo_output=>display( result1 ).


A SELECT statement accesses the following CDS view, which uses the SQL function UPPER:

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMOCDSUPPER'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define view Demo_Cds_Upper
  as select from
      upper(text) as upper_text

Another SELECT statement uses the SQL function UPPER directly to access the same data source T100.

Since SQL functions cannot yet be used on the left side of LIKE in the DDL of the ABAP CDS, the view returns a help field, which is evaluated in ABAP SQL. The results are the same. The search effected by the examples is not case-sensitive.