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ABAP SQL - SQL Operands sql_elem

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


... col 
  | literal | @dobj | @( expr ) ...


Specifies a column col, a literal literal, a host variable @dobj, or a host expression @( expr ) as an elementary SQL operand in an ABAP SQL operand position.

These elementary operands can have the following properties:

  • They can also occur in specific operand positions in which no SQL expressions are possible.

The relevant rules apply in operand positions in which host variables are handled like SQL expressions. The rules of the position in question apply in operand positions in which no SQL expressions are possible.

The value of a column col is determined on the database, but the values of literals, host variables, and host expressions are passed to the database system by ABAP before the SQL statement is executed (or fetched by the database system after it is executed). The operand position determines how the value of an ABAP object like this is handled:

  • An ABAP object specified as an elementary SQL expression in a read position is mapped (as described here) to a dictionary type, passed to the database as this type, and handled accordingly. The database rules apply.


SQL expressions are possible on the left side of the WHERE condition. The specified column carrid can be placed in parentheses as an elementary SQL expression. No SQL expressions are possible on the right side of the condition. The literal 'UA' cannot be set in parentheses.

       FROM scarr 
       WHERE ( carrid ) =  'UA' 
       INTO TABLE @DATA(itab).


In the first SELECT statement, the host variable @field is in an operand position in which it is not handled as an elementary SQL expression. Their content must comply with the rules for lossless assignments, which is not the case here. This is why an exception of the class CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DATA_ERROR is raised. In the second SELECTstatement, the same host variable is in an operand position in which it is evaluated as an elementary SQL expression. Also, a mapping is made to a dictionary type and the value is evaluated using this type on the database. No exception is raised in this case.


    SELECT * 
           FROM scarr 
           WHERE carrid IN ( @field ) 
           INTO TABLE @DATA(rtab1). 
  CATCH cx_sy_open_sql_data_error. 
    cl_demo_output=>write( 'Data loss in conversion' ). 

    SELECT * 
           FROM scarr 
           WHERE ( carrid, carrname ) IN ( ( @field, ' ' ) ) 
           INTO TABLE @DATA(rtab2). 
  CATCH cx_sy_open_sql_error. 
    cl_demo_output=>write( 'Error in mapping' ). 

cl_demo_output=>display( ). 


ABAP SQL - col

ABAP SQL - literal

ABAP SQL - @dobj

ABAP SQL - @( expr )