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ST - option, Mapping Rules for Elementary Types

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


... option="[format(fmt)][,decimals(dec)][,regime(num|char|bin)][,noError]" 


1. ... format(fmt) ...

2. ... decimals(dec) ...

3. ... regime(num|char|bin) ...

4. ... noError ...


Specifies mapping rules for elementary types.

  • format can be used to specify different formats fmt.
  • decimals can be used to influence the decimal places of numeric values and of time stamps.
  • regime can be used to force numeric, character-like, or byte-like handling.
  • For certain ABAP types and for certain formats, exceptions can be prevented in the event of invalid values by using noError.

Addition 1

... format(fmt) ...


The format option can be used to do the following:

  • Specify formats fmt based on XML schema data types. These formats create the corresponding XML representation or JSON representation from ABAP-specific representations of specific elementary values (and back).
  • Specify other formats fmt to convert ABAP data to framework-specific representations that do not comply with the standard asXML representation, and the other way round.

The following table shows the possible formats fmt, the ABAP types and representations where they can be used, and the associated XML representations and JSON representations.

fmt ABAP Type ABAP Representation XML Representation JSON Representation
boolean c, length 1 X, " " true, false true, false
hex x, xstring 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
duration t 125814 PT12H58M14S PT11H24M22S
dateTime utclong,
2014-12-12 11:24:22.7717230,
dateTimeOffset c, length 18 20141212113855+180 2014‑12‑12T11:38:55+03:00 2014‑12‑12T11:38:55+03:00
dateTimeOffset utclong,
2014-12-12 11:24:22.7717230,
dateTimeLocal c, length 14 20141212114245 2014‑12‑12T11:42:45 2014‑12‑12T11:42:45,
dateTimeLocal utclong,
2014-12-12 11:24:22.7717230,
ticks d 20141212 2014‑12‑12 /Date(1418342400000)/
ticks utclong,
2014-12-12 11:50:38.9922080,
ticksOffset c, length 18 20141212115254+180 2014‑12‑12T11:52:54+03:00 /Date(1418383462000+0180)/
ticksOffset utclong,
2014-12-12 11:24:22.7717230,
guid x, length 16; c, length 32,
c, length 22
00505691‑8175‑1ed4‑a0be‑d3e86422e104 00505691‑8175‑1ed4‑a0be‑d3e86422e104
qName string <... xmlns:...="uri">...:name</...>
uri c, string :;<=>?[]^_``{ }~ :;%3C=%3E?[%5C]%5E_%60%7B%7C%7D~
uriFull c, string :;<=>?[]^_``{ }~ %3A%3B%3C%3D%3E%3F%5B%5C%5D%5E_%60%7B%7C%7D~
uri1 c, string Rock'n'Roll & Blues 'Rock''n''Roll%20%26%20Blues' 'Rock''n''Roll%20%26%20Blues'
uri1 x, xstring 0123456789ABCDEF binary'0123456789ABCDEF' binary'0123456789ABCDEF'
uri1 t 125814 time'PT12H58M14S' time'PT12H58M14S'
uri1 utclong,
2014-12-12 11:24:22.7717230,
uri2 x, length 16; c, length 32 0050569181751ED4A0BED3E86422E104 guid'00505691‑8175‑1ed4‑a0be‑d3e86422e104' guid'00505691‑8175‑1ed4‑a0be‑d3e86422e104'
uri2 d 20141212 datetime'2014‑12‑12T00%3A00%3A00' datetime'2014‑12‑12T00%3A00%3A00'
uri2 utclong,
2014-12-12 11:24:22.7717230,
language c, length 1 E, D, ... EN, DE, ... EN, DE, ...
currCode c, length 5 EUR, USD, ... EUR, USD, ... EUR, USD, ...
unitCode c, length 3 KM, MI, ... KMT, SMI, ... KMT, SMI, ...
currency=CURRCODE Numeric types 123456,
unit=UNITCODE p, decfloat16, decfloat34 123,000,
alpha c, string, n 0000123456 123456   123456  

The following formats match the XML schema data types specified under Mapping Further XML Schema Data Types or other data types and this is where more details about the formats can be found.

  • boolean for truth values
  • dateTime, dateTimeOffset, dateTimeLocal for date/time values
  • guid for UUIDs
  • qName for qualified names
  • language for ISO language codes
  • currCode for ISO currency codes
  • unitCode for ISO unit codes

Alongside the time stamp type utclong, packed numbers corresponding to the ABAP Dictionary data types TIMESTAMP or TIMESTAMPL can also be used as ABAP types for dateTimeOffset and dateTimeLocal. For dateTimeOffset, the value 0 is then used for the offset in the XML or JSON representation of time stamps. For boolean, language, currCode, and unitCode, noError can be specified to prevent an exception being raised in the event of invalid values.

The other formats have the following meaning:

  • The format hex means that byte-like content is mapped to a hexadecimal format and not to base64.
  • The format duration is based on the XML schema data type with the same name.
  • The formats ticks and ticksOffset are used for JSON representations of UNIX time stamps (or ticks), which are based on the number of milliseconds since 01.01.1970,00:00:00, for OData. These formats only have special support in JSON. In XML, the regular date format or the associated time stamp formats are used. If ticksOffset is used for the time stamp type utclong or for packed numbers that correspond to the data types TIMESTAMP or TIMESTAMPL, the value 0 is used for the offset in the XML or JSON representation.
  • The formats uri and uriFull mask special characters like the built-in function escape in serializations with the format E_URI or E_URI_FULL. In deserializations, the escape symbols are transformed to the respective characters.
  • The format uri1 is used to represent literal values in URIs for OData.
  • Content of the ABAP types c and string is enclosed in quotation marks. Special characters are handled with the format E_URI_1, like the built-in function escape.
  • Content of the ABAP types x and xstring is mapped as with the format hex. The XML and JSON representations are enclosed in quotation marks and prefixed with binary.
  • Content of the ABAP type t is mapped as with the format duration. The XML and JSON representations are enclosed in quotation marks and prefixed with time.
  • Content of time stamp fields of type utclong or of packed numbers that have the dictionary types TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMPL is mapped in the same way as with the format datetime. The XML and JSON representations are enclosed in quotation marks and prefixed with datetimeoffset. Colons : are replaced by the escape symbols %3A. The prefix datetimeoffset identifies a UTC time stamp in OData.
  • The format uri2 is used to represent additional literal values in URIs for OData.
  • Content of the ABAP types x with length 16 and c with length 32 is mapped as with the format guid. The XML and JSON representations are enclosed in quotation marks and prefixed with guid.
  • Content of the ABAP type d is handled like a corresponding time stamp of dictionary type TIMESTAMP, in which the time part has the value "00:00:00".
  • Content of time stamp fields of type utclong or of packed numbers that have the dictionary types TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMPL is mapped in the same way as with the format uri1. Here, however, the format of a local time stamp with the prefix datetime is used.
  • The format currency=CURRCODE formats the values of numerical ABAP types in serializations in accordance with a currency code specified in CURRCODE. For CURRCODE, visible character-like data roots of the ST program with a length no more than 5 can be specified at this point. In the database table TCURX, the line with the content of CURRCODE in the CURRKEY column is searched for, and the decimal places are taken from the CURRDEC column. If no line is found, the default value 2 is used. The numeric content is formatted with these decimal places. Missing decimal places are padded with 0, and surplus decimal places are rounded commercially. If the content of CURRCODE is initial, and in deserializations, the format is ignored. The formatting corresponds essentially to the way the function module CURRENCY_AMOUNT_SAP_TO_IDOC works.
  • The format unit=UNITCODE formats the values of decimal numbers in serializations in accordance with a unit code specified in UNITCODE. For UNITCODE, visible character-like data roots of the ST program with a length no more than 3 can be specified at this point. In the database table T006, the line with the content of UNITCODE in the MSEHI column is searched for, and the decimal places are taken from the ANDEC or DECAN column. If no line is found, the default value 0 is used. The numeric content is formatted with these decimal places. Missing decimal places are padded with 0, and surplus insignificant decimal places 0 are cut off. The format is ignored in deserializations.
  • In serializations, leading zeros are removed as with alpha = out.
  • In deserializations, leading zeros are inserted as with alpha = in.

In JSON, the values are produced in accordance with the XML representation, except in the case of qName, which is not supported in JSON. In JSON, the format boolean creates real Boolean JSON values.

If the data type or the content do not match of if the current node is typed using tt:type, the option format is ignored or an exception is raised.


The option format can also be used to map ABAP data objects to XML schema data types that are not typed using a dedicated domain.

Executable Example

Formatting Options

Addition 2

... decimals(dec) ...


The decimals option sets the decimal places of numeric values and of time stamps in serializations. It can be applied to all numeric ABAP types and to the time stamp type utclong and works in mainly the same way as the formatting option DECIMALS for embedded expressions in string templates. The decimals option is ignored in deserializations.

Suitable literal integer values can be specified for dec (these can also be negative for numeric types). Only the values 0 to 7 are allowed for the time stamp type utclong. If dec is not specified (empty parentheses), the option is ignored.

If decimals is used for time stamps of the type utclong, any surplus decimal places are cut off in serializations instead of being rounded and are padded to seven decimal places using zeroes. The following applies to time stamps in packed numbers of the types TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMPL:

  • decimals can be combined with the format option for these numbers. In this case, the decimals option is applied first, then format with a fmt format provided for time stamps.
  • Packed numbers that are typed with one of the special domains XSDDATETIME_... are first handled with decimals and then formatted as time stamps.

In these cases, the result of decimals must be a valid time stamp.

Executable Example

Option for Decimal Places

Addition 3

... regime(num|char|bin) ...


The regime dictates that the ABAP source type in serializations or the ABAP target type in deserializations is overridden by one of the regimes num, char, or bin. num specifies numeric handling, char specifies character-like handling, and bin specifies binary handling of the data by the transformation. The regime option deactivates the effect of all special domains, but can be combined with the format options, where a fmt format specified with format must pass through regime for handling. The num regime can also be combined with decimals.

The num, char, and bin regimes have the following effect on the possible ABAP types:

  • num regime
Forces a numeric handling of the current node.
  • All other data types are converted to the decfloat34 type before the actual transformation in serializations, and then further processed as such. Source values of types n, d, and t must be valid. In deserializations, a value is created for decfloat34 and assigned without loss to the target type.
  • char regime
Forces a character-like handling of the current node.
  • Apart from deactivating the effect of special domains, the char regime is ignored by numeric types, which means that the standard XSD representation of asXML is used.
  • Byte-like data types are handled as with the formatting option format(hex), that is, representation is in hexadecimal format.
  • Date and time types are handled like the c type of corresponding length, with invalid values accepted.
  • bin regime
Forces a byte-like handling of the current node.
  • Numeric types are converted to the xstring type before the actual transformation in serializations, and further processed as such. In deserializations, a value is created for xstring and converted to the target type.
  • Source fields of the character-like data types c and string are converted without loss to xstring in serializations and then processed further. A source field of type n is checked for valid content and also converted to xstring. In deserializations, a value is created for xstring and converted to the target type. There must not be any overflow for type n.
  • Source fields of the date and time types are checked for valid values in serializations, converted to xstring and then processed further. The source fields are checked for valid content. In deserializations, a value is created for xstring and converted to the target type. There must not be any overflow.

Executable Example

Option for Regime

Addition 4

... noError ...


Prevents exceptions that would be raised in the event of invalid values occurring in serializations of certain ABAP types and with certain formats specified using format. The following table shows to which ABAP types and formats noError is applied:

Type Format Effect
n - Leading and trailing blanks are ignored.
p - An invalid value in the final byte is ignored and interpreted as positive sign.
XSDBOOLEAN boolean Other values apart from "X" and " " are accepted and produce true.
XSDDATE_D - Invalid dates are accepted and formatted as a date.
XSDTIME_T - Invalid times are accepted and formatted as a time.
XSDLANGUAGE language An invalid language is accepted with no conversion taking place.
XSDCURRCODE currCode An invalid currency code is ignored with no conversion taking place.
XSDUNITCODE unitCode An invalid unit code is ignored with no transformation taking place.

Executable Example

Option for Invalid Values


Simple Transformation, Formatting Options

Simple Transformation, Option for Decimal Places

Simple Transformation, Option for Regime

Simple Transformation, Option for Invalid Values