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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Structures →  Examples of structures 

Filling a Structure

The example demonstrates the filling of a nested structure.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

    DATA: name TYPE name_type,
          addr TYPE address_type.
    name-title   = `Mr.`.
    name-prename = `Duncan`.
    name-surname = `Pea`.
    addr-name = name.
    addr-street-name   = `Vegetable Lane`.
    addr-street-number = `11`.
    addr-city-zipcode = `349875`.
    addr-city-name    = `Botanica`.

    DATA(address) =
      VALUE address_type(
        name-title   = `Mr.`
        name-prename = `Duncan`
        name-surname = `Pea`
        street = VALUE #( name   = `Vegetable Lane`
                          number = `11` )
        city   = VALUE #( zipcode = `349875`
                          name    = `Botanica` ) ).

    ASSERT address = addr.

      )->write( address-name
      )->write( address-street
      )->write( address-city
      )->display( ).


In this example, the structure from the executable example Declaring a Nested Structure is defined with TYPES as the data type address_type and used for the data objects addr and address. A structure type is also defined for each separate substructure.

If a structure is declared by reference to a structure type, as shown here, the addition VALUE cannot be used. Instead, the structure must be filled by accessing the components. In particular, this also applies to the frequently occurring reference to structures of the ABAP Dictionary.

  • In the first part of the method main, the structure addr is filled by using the structure component selector. The component name is assigned a prefilled structure. In the components street and city, the components that are nested there are accessed.
  • In the second part of the method main, the structure address is filled with the value operator VALUE, but the structure itself is created using an inline declaration. The parentheses after VALUE show different options for accessing the components of substructures. Either the structure component selector is used again, as with the substructure name, or additional VALUE operators are nested, as with street and city.

The content of the two structures is the same. The value operator VALUE can be used to replace many fully spelled names simply by using parentheses.