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sXML Library, Formats

This example demonstrates the four formats supported by sXML.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

REPORT demo_sxml_formats.

    CLASS-METHODS fill_writer
      IMPORTING writer TYPE REF TO if_sxml_writer.
    CLASS-METHODS parse_outputs
      IMPORTING xml_10 TYPE xstring
                xml_xop TYPE if_sxml_xop=>xop_package
                xml_binary TYPE xstring
                xml_json TYPE xstring
      EXPORTING xml TYPE xstring
    CLASS-METHODS equals
      IMPORTING p1 TYPE data
                p2 TYPE data
                p3 TYPE data
                p4 TYPE data
      RETURNING VALUE(equals) TYPE abap_bool.

  METHOD main.
    DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new( ).

    DATA writer TYPE REF TO if_sxml_writer.

    "XML 1.0
    out->begin_section( `XML 1.0` ).
    writer = CAST if_sxml_writer(
      cl_sxml_string_writer=>create( type = if_sxml=>co_xt_xml10 ) ).
    fill_writer( writer ).
    DATA(xml_10) =
      CAST cl_sxml_string_writer( writer )->get_output(  ).
    out->write_data( xml_10
        )->convert( xml_10 ) ).

    out->next_section( `XOP` ).
    writer = CAST if_sxml_writer(
      cl_sxml_xop_writer=>create( ) ).
    fill_writer( writer ).
    DATA(xml_xop) =
      CAST cl_sxml_xop_writer( writer )->get_output(  ).
    out->write_data( xml_xop-xop_document
        )->convert( xml_xop-xop_document )
      )->write_data( xml_xop-parts ).

    "Binary XML
    out->next_section( `Binary XML` ).
    writer = CAST if_sxml_writer(
      cl_sxml_string_writer=>create( type = if_sxml=>co_xt_binary ) ).
    fill_writer( writer ).
    DATA(xml_binary) =
      CAST cl_sxml_string_writer( writer )->get_output(  ).
    out->write_data( xml_binary
        )->convert( xml_binary ) ).

    out->next_section( `JSON` ).
    writer = CAST if_sxml_writer(
      cl_sxml_string_writer=>create( type = if_sxml=>co_xt_json ) ).
    fill_writer( writer ).
    DATA(xml_json) =
      CAST cl_sxml_string_writer( writer )->get_output(  ).
    out->write_data( xml_json
        )->convert( xml_json ) ).

    "Parse outputs and compare results
    out->next_section( `Parsing all outputs` ).
    DATA xml TYPE xstring.
    CASE parse_outputs( EXPORTING xml_10 = xml_10
                                 xml_xop = xml_xop
                                 xml_binary = xml_binary
                                 xml_json = xml_json
                        IMPORTING xml = xml ).
      WHEN 0.
          'Result is the same for all outputs:' ).
        out->write_xml( xml ).
      WHEN 2.
          'Results differ for elements!' ).
      WHEN 4.
          'Results differ for attributes!' ).
      WHEN 8.
          'Parsing raised an exception!' ).
      WHEN 16.
          'Transformation results are different!' ).

    out->display( ).
  METHOD fill_writer.
    writer->open_element( name = 'object' ).
    writer->open_element( name = 'str' ).
    writer->write_attribute( name = 'name' value = 'text' ).
    writer->write_value( 'Hello sXML!' ).
    writer->close_element( ).
    writer->open_element( name = 'str' ).
    writer->write_attribute( name = 'name' value = 'raw' ).
    writer->write_value_raw( cl_abap_conv_codepage=>create_out(
                               )->convert( 'raw' ) ).
    writer->close_element( ).
    writer->close_element( ).
  METHOD parse_outputs.
    DATA(reader_10) = cl_sxml_string_reader=>create( xml_10 ).
    DATA(reader_xop) = cl_sxml_xop_reader=>create( xml_xop ).
    DATA(reader_binary) = cl_sxml_string_reader=>create( xml_binary ).
    DATA(reader_json) = cl_sxml_string_reader=>create( xml_json ).
          reader_10->next_node( ).
          reader_xop->next_node( ).
          reader_binary->next_node( ).
          reader_json->next_node( ).
          IF equals( p1 = reader_10->node_type
                     p2 = reader_xop->node_type
                     p3 = reader_binary->node_type
                     p4 = reader_json->node_type ) = abap_false OR
             equals( p1 = reader_10->prefix
                     p2 = reader_xop->prefix
                     p3 = reader_binary->prefix
                     p4 = reader_json->prefix ) = abap_false OR
             equals( p1 = reader_10->name
                     p2 = reader_xop->name
                     p3 = reader_binary->name
                     p4 = reader_json->name ) = abap_false OR
             equals( p1 = reader_10->nsuri
                     p2 = reader_xop->nsuri
                     p3 = reader_binary->nsuri
                     p4 = reader_json->nsuri ) = abap_false OR
             equals( p1 = reader_10->value_type
                     p2 = reader_xop->value_type
                     p3 = reader_binary->value_type
                     p4 = reader_json->value_type ) = abap_false OR
             equals( p1 = reader_10->value
                     p2 = reader_xop->value
                     p3 = reader_binary->value
                     p4 = reader_json->value ) = abap_false.
            rc = 2.
          IF reader_10->node_type = if_sxml_node=>co_nt_final.
          IF reader_10->node_type = if_sxml_node=>co_nt_element_open.
              reader_10->next_attribute( ).
              reader_xop->next_attribute( ).
              reader_binary->next_attribute( ).
              reader_json->next_attribute( ).
              IF equals( p1 = reader_10->prefix
                         p2 = reader_xop->prefix
                         p3 = reader_binary->prefix
                         p4 = reader_json->prefix ) = abap_false OR
                 equals( p1 = reader_10->name
                         p2 = reader_xop->name
                         p3 = reader_binary->name
                         p4 = reader_json->name ) = abap_false OR
                 equals( p1 = reader_10->nsuri
                         p2 = reader_xop->nsuri
                         p3 = reader_binary->nsuri
                         p4 = reader_json->nsuri ) = abap_false OR
                 equals( p1 = reader_10->value
                         p2 = reader_xop->value
                         p3 = reader_binary->value
                         p4 = reader_json->value ) = abap_false.
                rc = 4.
              IF reader_10->node_type <> if_sxml_node=>co_nt_attribute.
      CATCH cx_sxml_parse_error INTO DATA(parse_error).
        rc = 8.
    reader_10 = cl_sxml_string_reader=>create( xml_10 ).
    reader_xop = cl_sxml_xop_reader=>create( xml_xop ).
    reader_binary = cl_sxml_string_reader=>create( xml_binary ).
    reader_json = cl_sxml_string_reader=>create( xml_json ).
                           RESULT XML DATA(xstr_10).
                           RESULT XML DATA(xstr_xop).
                           RESULT XML DATA(xstr_binary).
                           RESULT XML DATA(xstr_json).
    IF equals( p1 = xstr_10
               p2 = xstr_xop
               p3 = xstr_binary
               p4 = xstr_json ) = abap_false.
      rc = 16.
    xml = xstr_10.
  METHOD equals.
    IF p1 = p2 AND
       p1 = p4 AND
       p1 = p4.
      equals = abap_true.
      equals = abap_false.

  sxml_demo=>main( ).


A writer is created for each of the four formats and used in the method fill_writer to fill the string with XML data. A string writer can be created for all formats except XOP. A special XOP writer must be created for XOP. The XML complies with the JSON-XML rules and contain an element with raw data (the UTF-8 encoding of the string "raw" with the hexadecimal value 726177). For each writer, the results are fetched using GET_OUTPUT and the binary content and the content of UTF-8 (default setting) represented in content converted to characters.

  • XML 1.0
The string contains the characters of the XML data in UTF-8 encoding. The raw data is represented in Base64 format, where 726177 is the same as the Base64 value "cmF3".
  • XOP
The result of the writer is structured, where the component xop_document contains the string and the table-like component xop_parts contains the raw data. The content of the string is the same as in XML 1.0 format. The raw data is not represented in Base64 format, however, but is replaced by a reference to an external entity. The target of the reference is a table row in xop_parts, where the hexadecimal value 726177 is saved directly.
  • Binary XML
The encoding of the XML data in the string uses the SAP-specific format with dedicated tokens. The hexadecimal value of the row data, 726177, can be found here directly. A direct conversion of UTF-8 to a character representation does not produce usable results. A file of this type can only be read by a specially designed parser.
  • JSON
The string contains the characters of the JSON data written using JSON-XML in UTF-8 encoding. The raw data is represented in Base64 format.

Readers are created for the result of each writer in the method parse_outputs. The readers parse the results using two different methods, which are then compared:

  • The results are parsed in parallel loops using the method next_node. The equality of the attributes of the current nodes is then checked.
  • The identity transformation ID is called to create XML in a byte string from each result. The equality of this data is then checked.

The results demonstrate that the readers produce identical results for the four formats. Of special note is the fact that only the XOP reader has a special class, CL_SXML_XOP_READER, and the other readers all have the class CL_SXML_STRING_READER and can detect the format themselves.