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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Declarations →  Typing 

Generic Typing and Full Typing

This example demonstrates how generically and fully typed formal parameters are accessed.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

REPORT demo_typing.

    CLASS-METHODS start.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF struc1,
             cola TYPE i,
             colb TYPE i,
           END OF struc1,
           BEGIN OF struc2,
             colb TYPE i,
             cola TYPE i,
           END OF struc2,
           itab1g TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF struc1,
           itab2g TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF struc2,
           itab2c TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF struc2
                       WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY.
                                     VALUE(pc) TYPE itab2c.

  METHOD start.
    DATA: tab TYPE itab1g,
          wa  LIKE LINE OF tab.
    tab = VALUE #(
      FOR j = 1 UNTIL j > 5
        ( cola = j colb = 6 - j ) ).
    sort_itab( pg = tab
               pc = tab ).
  METHOD sort_itab.
    DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new( ).
    SORT pg BY cola.
    out->write_data( pg ).
    SORT pg BY ('COLA').
    out->write_data( pg ).
    SORT pc BY cola.
    out->write_data( pc ).
    SORT pc BY ('COLA').
    out->write_data( pc ).
    out->display( ).

  demo_typing=>start( ).


Three table types are declared in the class demo_typing:

  • itab1g has the row type struc1 with the components cola and colb. It is generic since the primary table key is not specified.
  • itab2g has the row type struc2 with the components colb and cola. It is generic since the primary table key is not specified.
  • itab2c has the row type struc2 with the components cola and colb. It is full since the primary table key is specified.

The method sort_itab has two formal parameters:

  • pg is typed generically with itab2g.
  • pc is typed fully with itab2c.

In the method start, an internal table tab is declared with reference to itab1g. The key is specified implicitly. This table is filled and passed to the formal parameters of sort_itab.

In sort_itab, both formal parameters are sorted twice. In the first sort, the column cola is specified statically as a sort criterion and in the second sort it is specified dynamically. The behavior is as follows:

  • The first SORT statement accesses the generically typed formal parameter pg statically. In this case, the typing with itab2g takes priority, where cola is the second column.
  • The second SORT statement accesses the generically typed formal parameter pg dynamically. In this case, the type of the actual parameter itab1g takes priority, where cola is the first column.
  • The third and fourth SORT statements access the fully typed formal parameter pc dynamically or statically. In these cases, the typing with itab2c takes priority, where cola is the second column.

If components of generically typed formal parameters are accessed dynamically, a runtime error may occur if the components do not exist in the actual parameter.