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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Internal Tables →  System Class for Internal Tables →  Examples of Virtual Sorting of Internal Tables 

Virtual Sorting of Two Internal Tables

This example demonstrates the virtual sorting of two internal tables.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

      BEGIN OF line1,
        col1 TYPE i,
        col2 TYPE i,
      END OF line1,
      BEGIN OF line2,
        col1 TYPE string,
        col2 TYPE string,
      END OF line2,

      BEGIN OF test_line,
        col11 TYPE i,
        col12 TYPE i,
        col21 TYPE string,
        col22 TYPE string,
      END OF test_line,
      test_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF test_line WITH EMPTY KEY.

    DATA(rnd) = cl_abap_random_int=>create( seed = + sy-uzeit
                                           min  = 0
                                           max  = 1 ).

    DATA(itab1) = VALUE itab1( FOR i = 1 UNTIL i > 10
                               ( col1 = rnd->get_next( )
                                col2 = rnd->get_next( ) ) ).

    DATA(itab2) =
      VALUE itab2( FOR i = 1 UNTIL i > 10
        ( col1 = cond #( when rnd->get_next( ) = 0 THEN `X`
                                                  ELSE `Y` )
          col2 = cond #( when rnd->get_next( ) = 0 THEN `X`
                                                  ELSE `Y` ) ) ).

    DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new( ).

    out->write( itab1
      )->write( itab2 ).

    out->next_section(  `Virtual Sort of Combined Tables`
      )->begin_section( `itab1 by col1, col2, Ascending`
      )->next_section(  `itab2 by col1, col2, Descending` ).

    DATA(v_index) =
        im_virtual_source = VALUE #(
         ( source     = REF #( itab1 )
           components = VALUE #( ( name = 'col1' )
                                 ( name = 'col2' ) ) )
         ( source     = REF #( itab2 )
           components = VALUE #( ( name = 'col1'
                                  astext = abap_true
                                  descending = abap_true )
                                 ( name = 'col2'
                                  astext = abap_true
                                  descending = abap_true ) ) ) ) ).

    out->write( v_index ).

    DATA sorted_tab1 TYPE itab1.
    sorted_tab1 = VALUE #( FOR idx IN v_index ( itab1[ idx ] ) ).
    DATA sorted_tab2 TYPE itab2.
    sorted_tab2 = VALUE #( FOR idx IN v_index ( itab2[ idx ] ) ).

    DATA(comb_tab) = VALUE test_tab( FOR i = 1 UNTIL i > 10
                        ( col11 = sorted_tab1[ i ]-col1
                          col12 = sorted_tab1[ i ]-col2
                          col21 = sorted_tab2[ i ]-col1
                          col22 = sorted_tab2[ i ]-col2 ) ).

    DATA(test_tab) = VALUE test_tab( FOR i = 1 UNTIL i > 10
                        ( col11 = itab1[ i ]-col1
                          col12 = itab1[ i ]-col2
                          col21 = itab2[ i ]-col1
                          col22 = itab2[ i ]-col2 ) ).
    SORT test_tab STABLE BY col11
                            col21 DESCENDING AS TEXT
                            col22 DESCENDING AS TEXT.

    ASSERT comb_tab = test_tab.

    out->write( comb_tab ).

    out->display( ).


An internal table itab1 containing random numbers and an internal table itab2 containing random letters are sorted together virtually using the method VIRTUAL_SORT of system class CL_ABAP_ITAB_UTILITIES, which sorts both columns of itab1 in ascending order and both columns of itab2 in descending alphabetical order. The returned array contains the row numbers in the sort order. This array is used to fill the internal table comb_tab, which combines the columns of the involved tables, according to the sorting. To compare, another table test_tab, which combines the content from itab1 and itab2, is constructed and sorted using the statement SORT. The results are the same. However, in a real example the combined tables are not usually of interest. See the executable example Virtual Sorting of Flight Data.